The Slopper & the Scabber Set to Join Necromunda!

new-necromunda-modelsThe Slopper and the Scabber may not be the prettiest gangers around, but they will help you win the war- check it out!

Necromunda has been grabbing a bunch of minis lately and we’re not complaining! This time around the gangs are getting something a little more eclectic and not just serious warriors.

The Slopper may not make good tasting food, but at least he’ll make something and even the underhivers need to eat some times! The Scabber, while he won’t cook you dinner, has plenty of gear to look at. It might all be replicas and fakes, but hey, what would you expect in Necromunda?

Warhammer Community unveiled the two new minis coming from Forge World but didn’t give us a release date quite yet. Let’s check out the newest models!

The Slopper & the Scabber Set to Join Necromunda!

The slopper


The slopper 2

He’s a Slopper, a hanger-on who’s truly useless in a fight, but whose… uh… culinary skills are quite handy for bringing injured gangers out of recovery – presumably when they realise that the alternative is another week with nowhere to hide from his cooking.

So while he may not be too helpful in a real fight, there’s nothing wrong with getting your gangers healthier faster! Plus, the model is just really out there and that makes it fun.

The Scabber


The Scabber 2

Whatever passes for style in the dingy recesses of the sump, this feller has it in spades. Scabbers are fences who can get rid of unwanted illegal goods on the Black Market – and maybe turn up a few other items that you DO want.

Another cool mini that has more impact in a campaign than just in an actual battle, which is really cool and adds a ton to the narrative side of things!

The Scabber rules

Clad in what passes for high fashion in these parts, the Scabber is also, shall we say, hapless in a firefight – but their unparalleled access to illicit loot more than makes up for it.

Just a super flavorful rule that will save you some credits!

Hopefully Something New in 2022

Necromunda RoadmapWith the Book of Outcasts released, GW has basically gone through their latest roadmap for Necromunda. So, let’s hope they give us something to look forward to in the new year! For now, though, you can guess whatever you want is coming next!

All the Newest GW Model Previews For December & Beyond

Do you like the two new models? Will you be picking them up?

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