The Space Marines Get A New Tank – Mastodon Rules

By Rob Baer | February 7th, 2016 | Categories: Heresy Weekender, Warhammer 40k Rumors

legion mastodon

The Space Marines got it! Comes see the rules for what looks to be the BIGGEST tank to ever hit the tabletop!

via Loaded Dice Podcast 2-6-2016

Mastodon Rules2

Mastodon Rules

The Mastodon was in use by the Iron HandsSpace Marine Legion during the early stages of the Horus Heresy and most likely before. It is likely that other Space Marine Legions used the Mastodon as well. For example, at the outset of the One-Five-Four-Six ‘Kharaatan’ Campaign, the Salamanders had enough Mastodons to transport the entire Legion force present – approx 6000 Legionaries.(Via Lexicanum)


There’s a huge showcase of these guys and the other new Astartes previews below on the roundup. Be sure to check it out!

Horus Heresy 2016 Weekender Roundup

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