New Tau Have Landed – Fire Warrior Breachers SPOTTED

By Rob Baer | October 9th, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

Portada WD

Checkout all the new picture shots of the fantastic soon to be released Tau Fire Warrior breachers and BIG Terrain kit!

pics via Iuchiban Warseer 10-9-2015


Here come the new fire Warriors and new “Breacher Squad” units.


New kit looks like a complete redo with lots of new drones and accessories.


These are the “Breachers”


New Tau Terrain

Via BoLS

First of all some thoughts.

These are just fantastic characterful models.  The Fire Warrior box was getting a little long in the tooth and a redo was needed.  I am intrigued by the accessories on the top image like the new drones, and the missile turret mounted on the larger base.

On the terrain front, I would assume that this is going to be a new line for Warhammer 40K.  Just as GW rolled out flyers for every race so we all had something new to guy, I would expect every race to now get it’s own new terrain kits.  I especially like the translucent blue plastic “force fields” on the Tau defensive line.  FANCY!

New Tau Info Roundup

Impressed?  I am!  So much more to come.  Check back soon!