These 3 40k Army Lists Crushed the Beachhead Brawl GT

space marine wal hor tourneyGrey Knights have arrived, and are making a play on the top of the meta. Check out the top 3 40k army lists that rose to the top at Beachhead brawl.

Thanks to Best Coast Pairings, we can look back at events as if we were there ourselves, and at the Beachhead Brawl, we’ll be looking at which lists rose to the top of the leaderboards. Check out what these winners brought!

3rd Place: Imperium (Space Wolves, Ad Mech)- Simon Miller

wulfen walpaperwulfen walpaper hor


Beachhead Brawl GT army list

They don’t have new rules yet in Psychic Awakening, but Simon didn’t care. A shock and awe force of semi-alpha strike Wulfen loaded to the nines ran headlong at the enemy while the rusty 17 hung back and held down the objectives. These Wulfen put the pressure on early and would be hard to deal with on any standard ITC board, not to mention psychic shenanigans as well.

Beachhead Brawl GT army list

Securing the front lines or flanks and putting on even more pressure was a re-roll bubble leader and three Warsuits, backed up by a trio of Skorpius tanks spitting hot fire on anything that needed pacification.  A pretty neat list that may only get stronger in the future with the next two Psychic Awakening books!

2nd Place: Grey Knights- Lawrence Baker (Tabletop Tactics)



Beachhead Brawl GT army list

So it begins with the Grey Knights. Lawrence kept it real with going undefeated with Grey Knights over the weekend. He took two Battalions packed with Strike Squads with bonus Falchions that are no joke now. Plus super psyker Voldus, and a Chaplain to take advantage of those new litanies just for them!

Beachhead Brawl GT army list

For the second half of the list, a blob of paladins (5th Edition anyone?) held it down with an apothecary and stave to do what they do, being super hard to deal with and deadly at the same time now with strats like Dynamic Insertion (to just show up 5″ away), and Masters of Combat when they do eventually die.

That’s not even mentioning all the bonuses to hit and wound that are available, among other things, as well, now from the Ritual of the Damned.

Beachhead Brawl GT army list

Beachhead Brawl GT army list

Great list that doesn’t even use Nemesis Dreadnights or flyers to get the bonus cover tide for being on terrain now either.

1st Place: Iron Hands- Vic Vijay

iron hands space marine wal feirros


Beachhead Brawl GT army list

Iron Hands hit the table doing what they normally do. Spamming Stalker bolt rifles/ to tank wounds, and a dakka Leviathan to be the deadly distraction carnifex slapping down everything within 32″.

Beachhead Brawl GT army list

This list ran two Chappy dreads but was a little different in the fact it also fielded Eliminators, and two impulsors to shuffle things around a bit, and just play grab-ass we’d imagine with the dope Inv save.

Welcome to competitive 40k folks.

After looking at these lists, does your current tournament list counter one of these? Was the Iron Hands list configuration pretty different from most other Iron Hands players you’ve seen?

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