Kruleboyz Orruks Have Major Hobgoblin & Uruk-hai Vibes

GW-Previews-Kruleboyz-orruksThese new hobgoblins, er Uruk-hai, er Kruleboyz Orruks are facing off against the Stormcast in the upcoming AoS 3.0 Dominion box.

It’s time for another big online GW Preview for all things Warhammer! Here are the latest reveals from  Warhammer TV  and Warhammer Community!

GW Unboxing Dominion Preview

Warhammer preview

That’s right, folks, another glorious day of reveals awaits you on Saturday with our latest Warhammer Preview Online – Unboxing Dominion.

For fans of the Mortal Realms, this is quite simply the best boxed set ever. If you looked on enviously last year as Warhammer 40,000 players cracked open their copies of Indomitus, this boxed set is like that. Dominion, however, has fewer boltguns and undying robots, and more lightning warriors and… well, you’ll have to join us to see.

All the Latest GW Previews:

Now let’s check out the new reveals!

Dominion AoS 3.0 Boxset

dominion book & box


dominion minisDominion is full to bursting with glorious Warhammer goodness – two full armies, each with several units, a powerful Leader, and ample support. It also includes the full Core Book with an exclusive cover, plus loads of warscrolls and reference material.


But exactly are the Orruks getting?

Kruleboyz Orruks

kruleboyz orruks

Kruleboyz are still brutal, but their cunning makes them more amenable to picking off foes at range and stabbing someone in the back instead of charging in headlong. 

They make their homes in bogs, swamps, and murky places – especially in Ghur. When Kragnos began his rampage, the Kruleboyz took to him like a moth to flame. Worshipping him as Destruction incarnate, the Kruleboyz are rising up all across the realms to join their kinfolk, and they’re bringing some big, nasty beasts with them.

The age of the Stormcast is over!

Channeling some major Uruk-hai vibes from Lord of the Rings this new breed of Orruks looks to be the rumored Hobgoblins we had been hearing about for weeks.  Plus with a unit called the hobgrots, well how else would you have described them without knowing their ‘proper Orcy names?

Killaboss on Great Gnashtoof

These influential Killabosses often ride a ferocious bog-hound into battle. The beast’s slavering jaws and loping speed make them well worth the trouble (and possible loss of limb) of taming.

As the big boss of the army, this Killaboss will be the head honcho of this box, and probably of a lot of lists going forward.

Swampcalla Shaman and Pot-grot

Repulsive even by the standards of the Kruleboyz, Swampcalla wizards channel the foul magics of the swamp into toxins and vile elixirs to aid their kin.

A hint of Nurgle joins the fray, except it’s not. This is just one exceptionally stinky wizard, and perhaps he will have rules that reflect that.

Killaboss with Stab-grot

Along with the other Killaboss, this unmounted version comes with a small grot guardian or sacrifice depending on how you look at it.

Murknob with Belcha-banna

Just like the Stormcast, the Orruks also get a new  Bannerman, which means there will probably be an aura ability tied to it as well.

Man-skewer Boltboyz

Orruks who embrace ranged weaponry are rare, but they can be found among the Kruleboyz. Boltboyz coat the jagged tip of each bolt in a potent poison, mostly because they enjoy the death spasms the toxin causes.


Armed with poisoned blades and skareshields, mobs of these troops comprise the stinking heart of Kruleboyz armies.

These will more than likely serve as the bulk of these new armies lists, at least by the looks of it.

Hobgrot Slittaz

Diminutive allies of the Kruleboyz, hobgrots lob strange explosive devices and wield wicked daggers to deadly effect.

These Hobgrots serve as one of the only AoS models with Hand Grenades! Who would have thought it would come to AoS through Destruction? The previewers also hinted that these had traces of the old Chaos Dwarves Hobgoblins designs from the world that was…

2 More Models Separate From The Box



Beast-skewer Killbow

Beast-skewer KillbowAnother, “more range than normal” Orruk is going to come via this giant ballista sometime after the full box release.

Breaka-boss on Mirebrute Troggoth

Breaka-boss on Mirebrute TroggothTwo bosses weren’t enough, so we will actually be getting a 3rd later who is riding atop a Troggoth! Maybe they will have synergies with the other Troggoth models too?

How do you feel about the new Orruks?

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