These Station Forge Patreon Miniatures are Amazing!

Station Forge featureIf you want some insanely awesome STLs, the Station Forge May Patreon might be perfect for Imperial alternatives- check it out!

They have a really cool Patreon, which can check out here, and they actually upload twice a month. Every month they produce some really cool files, but oh boy, this month is just full of some amazing alternatives that if you threw down on the table, people would be jealous!

This month is all about alternatives for Admech, DKoK, and Imperial Guard. So if you play any of those armies, then you need to check out these files. Let’s check it out!

These Station Forge Patreon Miniatures are Amazing!!

StationforgeWhat is there to say other than these are just awesome files and any Imperial player could really make use of them!

Stationforge 2Here’s what they have to say about the Patreon:

Twice a month we will be releasing STL models for you to download, print, and enjoy. Artiiicus will be posting on the 10th of each month while Skaprzon will be posting on the 20th of each month. All files are PRE-SUPPORTED, just download and print!

By signing up for a month of StationForge Patreon you will gain access to the current month’s printable miniatures. Sometimes it will be squads and sometimes a special character or a creature, and sometimes a mix of everything. The models are modular and each with alternative parts for variety, so you can pick and choose the parts to kitbash for your favorite tabletop game.

Stationforge 4Here’s everything you get with this month’s releases:

For May month we have prepared for you:
1. GrimGuard – Infantry Builder Kit (with 50 arm variations)
2. National Guard – Guerrillas
3. Scavenger – Tank
4. Scavenger – Droitex Mk2 and The Wanderer
5. Twelve Trench 25mm bases
6. Servonators
Stationforge 5That does it for this one, now go get some amazing files!

Get Your Alternative STLs Here!

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