Tons of New Infinity Releases from Corvus Belli!

Infinity releases feature rCheck out the latest wave of new New Infinity releases on the way from Corvus Belli to bolster your forces in N4!

With the new edition of Infinity in full swing, it’s time to start adding some new units to your forces! The edition has been getting some pretty good reviews overall with only a little bit of salt thrown in. Word on the street is the game is getting easier to get into, so if you’ve been thinking about trying it out, now is the time! These new releases give you a simpler and unique way to add more minis to your forces. 

These were teased last month but are finally ready to order, so no need to wait around for a preorder to finish up. Like with all of their minis, these are super detailed and make fun painting projects even if you don’t play. Let’s take a closer look at the minis!

Tunguska Cheerkillers: €37.95



New Infinity releases

“You know you’re a Cheerkiller when you have to kick and scream and sweat for everything you want to achieve.” And they are ready to do anything to keep their independence and not be anyone’s girl because their old team motto is still etched in their minds: “Fly high. Do or die. Dare and triumph. To the Extreme! Always!”

This box includes four miniatures: 1 Cheerkiller with Submachine Gun, 1 Cheerkiller with MULTI Pistols, 1 Cheerkiller with Shock Marksman Rifle, and 1 Grenzer with Missile Launcher. Create a versatile Fireteam and boost your Jurisdictional Command of Tunguska force.

Don’t mess with these ladies unless you want the gun! If you love all things infinity, check out what else is going on with the game.

PanOceania Booster Pack Alpha: €37.95

Oceana booster 2


Oceana booster

This box includes 3 miniatures for PanOceania: 1 Akalis with Combi Rifle, 1 Swiss Guard with HMG and one Croc Men with MULTI Sniper Rifle. With this box you can expand your options when creating an Army List and continue the PanOceania collection you started with Operation: Kaldstrøm

ALEPH OperationS Action Pack: €79.95

Aleph Operations Pack


Aleph Operations Pack 2Start collecting boxes are always a great way to get a whole army in one buy. While you’ll eventually want to grab more, might as well get a good start! Here’s everything you get in the kit:

  • 3x Dakini Tacbot (Combi Rifle)
  • 1x Shukra (Boarding Shotgun)
  • 1x Yadu (MULTI Rifle)
  • Deva (Combi Rifle)
  • 1x Naga (MULTI Sniper Rifle)
  • 1x Shakti Hacker
  • Apsara (Submachine Gun)
  • 1x Rudra (MULTI Rifle)

That does it for this one! Just some great releases to make your games that much more fun.

Get Your New Infinity Releases Here!