Tons of New Joker Miniatures From Knight Models

Joker Miniatures feature rKnight Models has a ton of new Joker Miniatures in the works for the Batman game, but why get more Batmen, when there are new Jokers!

Whether you’re looking for heroes or villains, Knight Models always has something for you! Their line of DC minis is starting to get insane, so basically, any character that’s your favorite, they have it. This release is only for the crazier side of the game, but hey, who doesn’t want to get a little crazy every now and then!

Even if you don’t play the game, they are really cool models and just so iconic. It’s Always fun to play and hobby on some of your favorite characters. Let’s stop talking and jump into the minis!

Tons of New Joker Miniatures From Knight Models

Joker MiniaturesAll three of these are so cool! But don’t worry, they are also bringing out plenty of the henchmen as well. If you love what Knight Models are up to, check out what else they have going on.

There’s only one thing better to a Joker: THREE JOKERS

Joker Miniatures 2This is going to be a webstore exclusive, but who doesn’t want the original sidekick of crime?

  • Did you guys think that The Three Jokers would be on their own in our next release? HaHaHaHa
  • The original sidekick of the Clown Prince of Crime, Gaggy, will be with him, too!
  • But this is not just it. More characters are yet to be shown. Who do you think they will be?

Joker Miniatures 3Or course you can’t have a full release without some awesome and insane henchmen!

  • What if you could fill your city game board with the madness of the Joker? Now you can!
  • Fight against your enemies with UP TO 12 MINIATURES of these ushers that attacked Batgirl and Red Hood in ‘The Three Jokers’.
  • The Three Jokers, Gaggy, these ushers (and maybe something else?) will be released very soon. Stay tuned!

That does it for this one, just some super cool minis to look forward to!

Get Your Batman Models Here!