3 New July Infinity Releases Announced From Corvus Belli!

Infinity Feature hor walCheck out the latest wave of new July Infinity releases on the way from Corvus Belli to bolster your forces in N4!

With the new edition of Infinity in full swing, it’s time to start adding some new units to your forces! The edition has been getting some pretty good reviews overall with only a little bit of salt thrown in. Word on the street is the game is getting easier to get into, so if you’ve been thinking about trying it out, now is the time! These new releases give you a simpler and unique way to add more minis to your forces. 

These are obviously not out quite yet but will be hitting stores soon. So get those hobby dollars saved up if you want to hop on any of the pre-orders. Like with all of their minis, these are super detailed and make fun painting projects even if you don’t play. Let’s take a closer look at the minis!

Shang Ji Invincibles: €42.95

July infinity releasesDon’t mess with these unless you’re ready to be gunned down! If you love all things infinity, check out what else is going on with the game. Let’s hear more about the set:

The new Shàng Jí (“Superior”) armor is quicker, lighter, and definitely better. Only the highest quality material is used for the brave defenders of the People. Because of this, the tough core unit of the StateEmpire Army, those regiments of Invincibles with the most brilliant records will receive the new Shàng Jí model.

Box contains:

  • Shàng Jí (Heavy Machine Gun)
  • 1x Shàng Jí Tactical Awareness (Heavy Rocket Launcher)
  • Shàng Jí (MULTI Rifle)
  • 1x Tinbot with Firewall (-6)

Trinitarian Tertiaries: €31.95

July infinity releases 2Trinitarians have mastered the use of stealth technology, and they are usually involved in sensitive operations that require the utmost precision and effectiveness, because the lives of good people in unfortunate circumstances are often at stake. For a Trinitarian, there is no margin of error.

Box contains:

  • 1x Trinitarian (MULTI Sniper Rifle)
  • 1x Trinitarian (Submachine Gun)
  • Trinitarian (Boarding Shotgun)

6th Airborne Ranger Reg: €18.95

July infinity releases 3The Airborne Rangers are brave paratroopers who never step back, able to be deployed at any moment, to any point on the battlefield and specialized in to engage and destroy the enemy in Close Quarters Battle.

  • 1x Airborne Ranger (Submachine Gun)
  • 1x Airborne Ranger (AP Spitfire)

That does it for this one, just be sure to hop on the pre-order if you want any of these!

Get Your July Infinity Releases Here!