Tons of New Star Wars: Legion Kits Coming Soon!

Star Wars legion feature rThe Star Wars: Legion reinforcements will add a bunch of specialists to the game and let you recreate the assault on the shores of Kashyyyk!

If you’ve been waiting to get into the game, now is the time! Come on, you love Star Wars, might as well play it on the tabletop. If you’ve already been playing, well, you have been getting tons of options to expand your forces. Star Wars: Legion is just a really fun game and with all the additions, each game will have even more flavor.

Atomic Mass Games revealed four sweet new units this week! The only downside is they won’t be released until October 1st, but that’s really not too far away now. The new models will cover everything from cool vehicles to skimmers to specialist troops. Let’s jump into the new minis!

Raddaugh Gnasp Fluttercraft:

Star Wars legion reinforcements


Star Wars legion reinforcements 2Who hasn’t wanted to fly over the battlefield with this awesome ship? We have sure thought about it! Hopefully, they add some more Wookies to the line soon so you could play an entire army of them. Even though these don’t come out till October, we can’t wait! The model looks cool and it’s just a super fun addition.  If you love everything Star Wars: Legion, check out what else is going on with it.

DSD1 Dwarf Spider Droid

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Star Wars legion reinforcements 4This is another great addition to the line and a really iconic droid. If you love destroying your enemies with crazy droids, then this will be a no-brainer to add to your forces!

IG-100 MagnaGuard:

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Star Wars legion reinforcements 8These will be a real menace on the tabletop! We expect their rules to really show just how strong they could be, plus the minis themselves look great. We see a lot of potential awesome OSL weapons!

Super Tactical Droid:

Star Wars legion reinforcements 5


Star Wars legion reinforcements 6You need somebody to lead your forces, who better than a Super Tactical Droid? While not quite as exciting as the other three releases, it’s still a fun addition to the line.

That does it for this one, just a bunch of fun new units to look forward to!

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