Three 40k army lists dominated the 150+ person Dallas Open GT with one even going undefeated over the weekend!
The Dallas Open GT is over and now we’re able to look at which lists managed to secure a place at the top! Check out what the winners brought in their armies.
Surprisingly half of the top 10 lists were Drukhari, with a 6th running as soup involving the Drukhari. Perhaps the Drukhari are a little strong right now…
Top 40k Army Lists Dallas Open GT
Thanks to Best Coast Pairings we are able to look back at the event as if we were there ourselves.
3rd Place: Anthony Vanella- Drukhari
2nd Place: Sean Nayden- Aeldari
1st Place: John Lennon- Drukhari
The first detachment is led by a Succubus, providing Wych Cult Wound rerolls. Speaking of which, 18 Wyches are just that, gaining a good amount of bodies and that can benefit from the Succubus aura.
The second detachment is led by Drazhar, who is a solid character on his own, but can also buff nearby Incubi. For troops, there are 15 Wracks which are some very cheap bodies.
5 Incubi and Mandrakes give a few melee centrist bodies to help move up the board.
Due to the Court of the Archon Special ability, these two squads don’t take up any detachment slots, which is a nice bonus.
Two Archons lead the final detachment, giving rerolls to Cabal and Incubi units. 10 Kabalite Trueborn and 5 Kabalite Warriors both fall into the reroll condition and also have a variety of ranged weapon options.
5 more Kabalite round out the troop requirement for the detachment. 5 Incubi add a few more bodies that can benefit from some of the auras in the list, while 6 raiders help transport some squads up the board without getting shot off the board immediately.
Drukhari Victory- Congrats to John on the win!
Drukhari has won this time, but what do you think about all three of these most recent lists?
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