Top 3 Warhammer 40k Army Lists: Maul in the Mall GT

Top-3-army-lists-40k-wal-hor-2Three Warhammer 40k army lists dominated the recent Maul in the Mall Major tournament with one going undefeated over the weekend!

The Maul in the Mall Major Tournament is over and now we’re able to look at which lists managed to secure a place at the top! Check out what the winners brought in their armies.

Top 3 40k Army Lists: Maul in the Mall Major Tournament


best coast pairingsThanks to Best Coast Pairings we are able to look back at the event as if we were there ourselves.

3rd Place: Steven Crawley- Drukhari

archon dark eldar wal hor


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2nd Place: Jeremy Stan- Adeptus Custodes

adeptus custodes new 8th edition warhammer 40k wal hor


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1st Place: Major jouret- Cult Mechanicus

engine war ad mech wal hor


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Major Jouret decided to go with a Battalion of Lucius Ad Mech led by a Marshal and two Tech-Priest Manipulus. The Marshal provides valuable re-rolls, while Manipulus can buff ap and heal models now, making for a pretty good leadership combo.

Troops see a total of 35 Rangers and 20 Vanguards, 55 bodies is quite a lot, especially when they can benefit from rerolls in the shooting phase. All those shots add up over the first turns for potentially a lot of damage.

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Elites have 10 Infiltrators providing extra game utility and can prevent enemy rerolls within 12″. There are also 10 Ruststalkers that serve as pretty decent melee options which can be a great gotcha in a faction that mostly focuses on ranged. Speaking of ranged, Fast Attacks have 9 Ironstriders. Ironstriders are fantastic range options that also have great mobility and decent durability.

Easily one of the best tried and tested Ad Mech models. Finally, there are two flyers; Archaeopter Fusilave, which can pump out some bonus mortal wounds and are hard to deal with for your opponents.

Grats to Jouret for the win!

Ad Mech have won this time, but what do you think about all three of these most recent lists? 

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