Top 40k Army Lists: Showdown at Frogtown GT

Top-3-army-lists-40k-wal-hor-2Three great Warhammer 40k army lists dominated the recent Showdown at Frogtown Tournament with each being unique over the weekend!

The Showdown at Frogtown is over and now we’re able to look at which lists managed to secure a place in the top 10-20 of the event! Check out what the winners brought in their armies.

This event was fairly large, meaning there was a large concentration of meta lists and armies. This week we decided to grab our 3 favorite lists instead because the actual top was mostly Ad Mech and Dark Eldar lists we’ve seen plenty of times before.

Top 3 Favorite 40k Army Lists: Showdown at Frogtown

best coast pairingsThanks to Best Coast Pairings we are able to look back at the event as if we were there ourselves.

Michelle Mack – Adepta Sororitas

sister wal hor Adepta Sororitas sisters of battle






Brandon Vallee – Dark Angels




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Jason Sniegowski – Deathwatch

deathwatch hor wal


frogtown deathwatch 1Jason went for a battalion of Deathwatch led by a trio of characters. His 3 HQs are a Captain, Librarian, and a Watch Master. These each provide unique support to the list. The captain provides rerolls to hits of one and has a Jump Pack which will allow him to swoop around with a large portion of the list to give out tons of rerolls.

The Librarian gains some unique Psychic powers, which can add 1 to hit rolls in melee and fight first, or a 5+ FNP which are both fantastic in this list. The Watch Master has the same reroll aura as the captain, while also being able to target one squad to reroll all hits for that turn, which is super strong when you have some of these larger body count squads, as this list does.

The first troop is a 5 man Incursor squad which adds a few bodies to take advantage of those sweet reroll auras and take an objective when needed.

The second troop is another base 5 man Incursor squad. That’s followed up with 2 identical 10 man Proteus Kill Teams. These each contain 4 Deathwatch Veterans running Boltgun and Sword, 5 Vanguard Veterans running Claw and Shield, and a Watch Sergeant running Boltgun and Sword.

These give the list a very strong melee threat that can dish out some serious damage if allowed to get in at full strength. Both squads also have Jump packs adding a ton of extra speed and mobility.

There is one final Proteus Kill Team, however, instead of Boltgun and Swords, the Deathwatch vets and Watch Sergeant are running Stalker-pattern Boltguns. This gives the list just a touch of extra ranged options.

Moving onto Elites, there is a Redemptor Dread with Storm bolters, two Gatling cannons, a Rocket pod, and  Fist. This adds a ton of chaff clearing and even a little bit of Anti-armor, which the list really needed. There are also 2 Relic Contemptor Dreads running Twin Volkite Culverin. This adds a ton of dedicated chaff clearing.

Finally, heavy support brings in 3 Eradicators, which bring in the final touch of dedicated anti-armor, rounding out the list.

Grats to Jason for the sweet list and decent placing!

Deathwatch looked awesome this time, but what do you think about all three of these most recent lists? 

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