Top Adeptus Custodes 40k Army List: Dallas Open GT

custodes header hor wal patreonSome great 40k army lists emerged in the Dallas Open 150+ Person GT, check this Adeptus Custodes list out!

9th Edition’s meta is still settling, but some players are taking lists with units that nobody was expecting. Check out this awesome list that emerged in a tournament over the weekend.

Top Adeptus Custodes 40k Army List: Dallas Open GT

best coast pairingsThanks to Best Coast Pairings we are able to look back at the event as if we were there ourselves.

Dallas Open 150+ Person GT: Allen Broussard- Custodes

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Allen went for a single detachment, lead by Trajann Valoris, who can allow rerolls for hit and wound rolls of 1 around him. There was also a Shield captain on foot, plus one on a Dawneagle Jetbike. Both extremely durable, but they also give you rerolls of 1 for hit rolls to nearby troops- not just core (for now). The Jetbike is also a huge boost to mobility.

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Troops bring 2 three-man Custodian Guard Squads for the cheapest troops, plus 5 of the Sagittarum Custodians. Both squads have decent melee and shooting, giving flexible units, that can do either or depending on your current situation.

dallas custodes 3Heavy Supports bring 2 good models with them starting with a Grav-Tank, which has fantastic ranged weapons for the cost. The Dread is running dual melee, meaning it is pretty good once he gets into charge distance (or if silly enemies come to close).

Lastly, the Flyers slot has the giant Ares joining the list. Other than all the benefits of being a flyer like being hard to take down. The Ares can dish out mortals thanks to its bombs and has fantastic ranged weapon options making it a consistent source of ranged damage every turn that it stays alive.

Overall this list offers a little bit of a different approach but we like it because of their all-in on an aspect of their faction in a response to the meta.

Even better they got great results from the player who piloted it! It’s also very encouraging when a player is able to play a widely considered “underpowered” army or list style so effectively.

What do you think about this top 40k army list from last weekend that caught our eye?

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