Top Homebrew 40k Army List: Glasshammer GT #2

40k-homebrew-army-listsAnother off-meta 40k army list emerged in the Glasshammer GT #2 Tournament, check this one out!

9th Edition’s meta is still settling, but some players are taking lists with units that nobody was expecting. Check out this awesome homebrew list that emerged in a tournament over the weekend. They didn’t do too bad and just goes to show that sometimes it’s more about the general’s skill than what you play.

Top Homebrew 40k Army List: Glasshammer GT #2

best coast pairingsThanks to Best Coast Pairings we are able to look back at the event as if we were there ourselves.

Glasshammer GT #2: Ed Paszek- Adepta Sororitas

sister wal hor Adepta Sororitas sisters of battle


Right out of the gates, Ed is unique because this is one of the first Sisters of Battle lists featuring their update! We can tell right away due to the inclusion of Morvenn Vahl, who is an absolute powerhouse and a fantastic addition to the faction along with the rest of their rules.

Besides Vahl, they went with a Battalion led by a Canoness and a Missionary. This helps to take advantage of their new Hymns, which essentially are prayers for unique buffs. The Canoness on the other hand has and always will be the staple Sisters HQ thanks to those handy rerolls.

glasshammer 2 sister 2

As for troops, there are 4 base Battle Sister Squads for 20 total bodies, giving plenty of chaff to soak damage for characters and plenty of guns to take advantage of the Canoness reroll aura. Elites bring in even more units in the form of 20 Sacresants, who have the sweet bonus of protecting characters, like Big Boss Vahl from ranged fire, making it hard for your opponents to focus fire her down as she is a huge threat.

16 Repentia serve as formidable melee threats that can do decent damage if your opponents fail to clear them before they hit the front line. The Dogmata, another new unit helps out the list by giving access to another Hymn of Battle.

glasshammer 2 sister 3The fast attacks introduce a bit of chaff clearing thanks to 4 Storm Bolters, which can actually take out swathes of marines if they fail saves. A squad of Zephyrin and Seraphim help out by adding a touch of mobility, being able to either harass units that are alone or grab an objective later in the game.

Heavy Supports bring 2 Retributor squads running Multi Meltas, serving as the main ranged anti-armor threats to help take care of bigger models. Lastly, there is a single rhino, which can help transport a few models and protect them for at least the first turn or give them extra movement.

Overall this list offers a pretty standard approach featuring a ton of new models, but we like it because of their all-in on an aspect of their faction in a response to the meta.

Even better they got decent results from the player who piloted it! It’s also very encouraging when a player is able to play a previously widely considered “underpowered” army or list style so effectively.

What do you think about this homebrew 40k army list from last weekend that caught our eye?

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