Top Homebrew 40k Army List: Maul in the Mall Major Tournament

40k-homebrew-army-listsAnother off-meta Warhammer 9th Edition 40k army list emerged in the Maul in the Mall GT, check this one out!

9th Edition’s meta is still settling, but some players are taking lists with units that nobody was expecting. Check out this awesome homebrew list that emerged in a tournament over the weekend. They didn’t do too bad and just goes to show that sometimes it’s more about the general’s skill than what you play.

Top Homebrew 40k Army List: Maul in the Mall Major

best coast pairingsThanks to Best Coast Pairings we are able to look back at the event as if we were there ourselves.

Maul in the Mall Major: Mark Aescht- Chaos Daemons



talon voice of slaanesh

maul homebrew 1Mark Actually took 2 Battalions of Daemons. The first of which is Undivided, led by a Contorted Epitome, Lord of Change, and Shalaxi Helbane. The Epitome has some great abilities including buffing Slaanesh units, buffed cast and deny for psychic tests, and even being able to prevent enemies from falling back out of combat.

The Lord of Change is just a fantastic Psyker with decent combat stats and durability. Shalaxi is a named Keeper of Secrets, which many would argue are the best single unit for Daemons, compiling fantastic combat, with efficient point costs.

Troops see the inclusion of 10 Horrors and 6 Nurglings. The Horrors can help cast or deny in a pinch, while also being very cheap bodies. The Nurglings are famous for being some of the hardest, most annoying models to deal with at their point cost.

Lastly for the first detachment is 5 furies just to round up the remaining points and provide some mobility that might be able to grab a lone objective in the game.

maul homebrew 2The second Battalion is dedicated to Slaanesh led by 3 Keeper of secrets. As said before, many consider this one of if not the best unit for the faction. They are just insanely cost-efficient and really low down the hurt in melee, which if you didn’t know, Daemons really love.

Straight forward from that, there are 44 Daemonettes. These are quite a few bodies and get to benefit from the rerolls of Keeper of Secrets and the strength buff from the Contorted Epitome.

Overall this list offers a unique approach, but we like it because of their all-in on an aspect of their faction in a response to the meta.

Even better they got decent results from the player who piloted it! It’s also very encouraging when a player is able to play a previously widely considered “underpowered” army or list style so effectively.

What do you think about this homebrew 40k army list from last weekend that caught our eye?

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