Tribes: Even More Sons of Behemat Rules Revealed

Age-of-sigmar-sons-of-behemat-title-wal-hor-1GW is not messing around when it comes to their Sons of Behemat rules, this time around we get their tribes special rules!

If they keep going at this rate we won’t even need the Battletome to play the Gargants! It looks like they are really pushing these new models hard, as we can’t remember the last time we saw so many rules revealed by the team at Warhammer Community.

These are the third set of rules they have released in just a few days. You can check out the other rules here if you need to catch up. Today though they brought us all the tribe special rules and the generic rules for all the tribes. So when you play with a certain faction, you get a few extra rules unique to that tribe.

Sons of Behemat Rules for All Gargant Armies:

New Sons of Behemat rulesThis rule was something we expected, because with only 4-6 models how could you capture objectives otherwise? Still, a pretty cool rule when you consider it’s something they will desperately need to ever win games.  Now we’ll jump into the tribes specific rules.

Stomper Tribes

Mancrusher GargantsLed by bellicose Warstompers, these gargants charge headlong into battle, inspired by the bellowed commands of their leader. Not only does the army cause extra damage to large units… 

This tribe seems to be centered around a Warstomper Mega-Gargant and a bunch of Mancrusher Gargants. Your general basically just yells at the Mancrushers all game and makes them far more effective.

Getting Stuck inPerfect for getting rid of those pesky hordes keeping you bogged down! Getting more damage with every hit is hard to argue with.

Chucking RocksThis rule just makes the throwing attack by the smaller gargants far more viable. If you have 6-8 smaller giants rounding out your force every single one of them can gain a shooting attack, petty nice.

Get a move onNothing wrong with some extra speed to grab objectives or getting that much closer to getting stuck in.

Sons of Behemat Rules – Breaker Tribes

Gatebreaker Mega-GargantGargants love to break stuff. Under the leadership of a bitter Gatebreaker Mega-Gargant, this simple desire becomes an undeniable compulsion, represented by Fierce Loathings.

This tribe gets to pick from a chart that makes them better suited for whatever army they are facing at the time. And of course, they are great at breaking stuff, shocker…

Fierce Loathing


Fierce loathing chartYou can either choose which trait you want or roll for it if you’re feeling unsure of what to pick. Each trait is pretty helpful, just really depends on what type of army you’re facing.

Breaking down the houseThis is very similar to one of the Mega-Gargant rules we saw yesterday. While the Mega-Gargant can destroy the terrain on a 2+ depending on his wounds this rule can also be easy to pull off against hordes. If you’re against a large unit in terrain it’ll be an easy roll to destroy the terrain.

Taker Tribes

Kraken EaterKraken-eaters are considered the most cunning of the three, and the tribes they lead are a bit cannier than the others (although that’s all relative when it comes to gargants).

This tribe is perfect for taking down monsters and characters. They get access to six artifacts of power instead of three and are really good at taking objectives. Basically, if you’re getting beat up by other big armies, this is a great tribe to counter it!

Get Rid of emThe enemy will have to have all kinds of models around to ever take an objective from this tribe! They are so fiercely territorial it only makes sense. Counting as 30 models for an objective is nothing to sleep on!

Net RuleThis rule makes them destroyers of all monsters. with the minus one and plus one, you become immediately so much stronger than any monster you are fighting.

More stuffThey already get access to more artifacts of power than the other tribes, and can get even more power throughout the game! Basically, you want to smash all their characters and steal their stuff!

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What do you think about the tribe rules? Do these put you over the top and want to start collecting a Sons of Behemat army?

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