The Truth About GW’s New Blood Bowl Release

By Rob Baer | March 30th, 2016 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

blood bowl

There’s some crazy rumors flying out there about the new Blood Bowl game coming “early”. Come get the answers from Games Workshop themselves!

Games Workshop was talking Blood Bowl at GAMA last week. Here’s the scoop from the  horse’s mouth!

gw studio blood bowl

video from The Dice Tower (YouTube)

Games Workshop Segment Starts at: 3:07:00


Andre, the GW North American Trade Manager said:

Blood Bowl

  • Being worked on currently
  • Miniatures are in design
  • Orks and Humans are in the box
  • GW has shown some miniatures that are finished already
  • Box Art is not final
  • Will release in 2017
  • Game will be in the channel within 12 months!


Previously Shown Minis 

These may be the mock-ups Andre was referring too.

Blood Bowl Orc 2Blood Bowl Orc 1Blood Bowl Human 2Blood Bowl Human 1

Plus rumormonger Sad Panda chimed in recently on the matter as well:

Blood Bowl is the first game from the new specialist game studio at GW launched in January.

Quicker turn-around and more flexibility were among the reasons this new specialist game studio was created in the first place.

These guys only have been in their new job for 3 months now. It’ll be a while until they find their rhythm.


Whew doggie, never in the history of ever do we remember GW going on the record outside Nottingham folks. This is a brave new world for the hobby indeed. So it looks like the new Blood Bowl will be hitting in 2017, and the exact contents are still being developed.

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