Tyranids Consume The US Open Dallas GT: Top 40k Army Lists

nids tyrranids wal horUnlock victory with these Tyranids, Orks, and Thousand Sons Warhammer 40k army lists from the Dallas Open that decimated the competition.

The tournament is over, and now we can look at which lists managed to secure a place at the top! Check out what these winners brought in their armies with our commentary on their selections.

Tyranids Consume The US Open Dallas GT: Top 40k Army Lists

top warhammer 40k army lists to beat tournaments grand 1

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GT US Open Dallas top 8

3rd Place: Erik Nelson – Thousand Sons

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2nd Place: Colin McDade – Orks

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1st Place: Samuel Pope – Tyranids

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Samuel’s winning Tyranids were led by a Neurotyrant to lead and buff a unit of Neurogaunts, a Tervigon to buff the several units of Termagants, and a Winged Hive Tyrant for a solid solo unit that also helps to buff nearby ranged units.

Troops saw a unit of Gargoyles for a hint of mobility, Hormagaunts for a melee unit, and four units of Termagants for ranged options and the bulk of the smaller units.

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Other units start off with a unit of Biovores for very long-range shots, three Exocrines for long-range anti-armor shots, and a Lictor for a solo melee threat.

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The list then wraps up with a unit of Neurogaunts to pair with the Neurotyrant, a Neurolictor to help hunt down units and characters as another solo melee threat, and lastly, a unit of Venomthropes to provide cover to nearby Tyranids.

There you have it, the top Warhammer 40k army lists from the Dallas Open were ruled by Tyranids, Orks, and Thousand Sons.

Samuel Pope’s Tyranids army came out on top, thanks to its killer combo and tactical finesse. By bringing in strong, versatile units for both close combat and ranged attacks, it crushed even the toughest rivals. Overall, these army lists offer some real gems for Warhammer 40k newbies and pros alike.

Click Here For More Top Warhammer Army Lists

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