Tzeentch Tzaangors are the Avian Zealots of Change


Tzeentch Tzaangors are the zealots of change who want nothing more than to spread the truth of Tzeentch to the entire world.

Tzaangors are naturally savage and make up a large bulk of the Tzeentch fighting forces. While other forces of Tzeentch may be a little more tactical, the Tzaangors main goal is to just kill off the enemies in battle. Get out your biggest bird friend and let’s learn about some lore!

In the World

Tzaangor WarriorsThere are a plethora of daemons and followers of chaos that can wreak havoc upon the Mortal Realms. Each god of Chaos has its own legions to command. The God of Change has armies of sorcerers and giant monsters at their disposal.

Tzaangors are among the more savage of these. All of them are mortals that were twisted and mutated by Tzeentch into the beastmen like warriors we see. Whilst they have many uses to further Tzeentch’s everchanging plans, their primary function is to kill. Armed with magical swords, axes, and shields they hack and slash their way to ascension.

There are many ways a mortal can be mutated to be a Tzaangor by a Tzaangor Shaman. Gors can be infused with magic and slowly change into this blessed form, others are humans that were horrifically mutated via dark rituals.


No matter how it happens, a Tzaangor is a proud devotee to Tzeentch. They are often compared to the average beastmen due to their savage nature and looks. Tzaangors are much more than mere savage beasts however, they are far more intelligent and tactful than their distant cousins. Other beastmen are nothing in the eyes of Tzaangors, they are evolved and beastmen are but brutal animals.

Before Tzaangors go out on raids or join a warhost into battle, a great ritual must be performed. The Tzaanwar, where the broken weapons and armor from their enemies are mutated and smelted into the magical weapons for the Tzaangors.

When they finally join the carnage of battle their savagery is unmatched. Swords and axes tear away flesh and stab through hearts. At the same time, their own beaks and horns gnaw away at their enemies. Together with their more magically gifted kin and together in groups of nine, their war fervor only increases.

On the Tabletop:

On the Tabletop of the Mortal Realms, Tzaangors are a battleline option for Tzeentch armies. With their 2 wounds, they’re able to take in more damage than a lot of other battleline options in other armies. In general, they work well as screening units for wizards, who also buff the Tzaangors. Like more powerful melee attacks when close to Arcanite Heroes and causing mortal wounds to enemies by being empowered by their friendly wizards. Due to these synergies and a large number of weapons they can easily bring down large numbers of foes.

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All Tzaangors have avian features such as large beaks and bird-like eyes. These beaks are used as a weapon to add to their attack pool. However with their 5+ to wound they aren’t a melee weapon to rely on. All their Savage Blades are powerful magical weapons of their own, doing 2 attacks with a solid 4+ hit and wound roll. 2 in every 5 models can replace their Savage Blades with Savage Greatblades, replacing an attack with a -1 rend. Either option is quite powerful in its own right.

The unit is led by a Twistbray, whose battle prowess exceeds their kin and gaining 1 to their hit roll. 1 in every 5 models can be chosen to be a Tzaangor Mutant wielding Savage Blades, they get an extra attack on their melee weapons. 1 in every 10 models can be chosen to be an Icon Bearer, allowing them the Ornate Totems ability. Even further, 1 in every 10 models can be chosen to carry a Brayhorn. A unit with a Brayhorn can run and still charge in the same turn.

Tzaangors are the savage avian warriors of the God of Change, never to be underestimated.

Learn More About Tzeentch Tzaangors Here!