Valhalla GT & a Perfect 500VP Game: Top 40k Army Lists

Top-3-army-lists-40k-wal-horThe Valhall GT happened over the weekend with some pretty sweet 40k army lists taking the top spots!

The tournament is over and now we’re able to look at which lists managed to secure a place at the top! Check out what these winners brought in their armies.

Valhalla GT: Top 40k Army Lists

Thanks to Best Coast Pairings we are able to look back at the event as if we were there ourselves.

If you wanted to see the names and factions of the overall winners, we’ve included that below.

Valhalla GT top 8

3rd Place: Lyle Dixon – Tau

tau fire warrior hor wal


Lyle Dixon 1


Lyle Dixon 2



2nd Place: Brenton Weiss – Tau

tau huge wal horiz


Brenton Weiss tau 1


Brenton Weiss tau 2


Brenton Weiss tau 3


1st Place: Thomas Ogden – Tau

tau-walpaper-crisis long


Thomas Ogden tau 1

Thomas’s dominating Tau list was made of two detachments. The first is a Battalion led by a Crisis Commander, which packs some good durability and great firepower, along with Darkstrider, which is extremely cheap and can buff a unit to have +1 to wound.

Troops see 2 of the cheap 10 man Kroot unit, which is the cheapest option for tau and serves as an easy requirement filler that cant sit on objectives, but when they die it doesn’t hurt too much since they are so cheap to field. There was also a 10 man strike team, which is slightly more expensive but ultimately performs a little better as well.

Thomas Ogden tau 2

Elites bring in a swarm of 18 Crisis Suits. 6 are running Fragmentation Projectors, which help with chaff clearing, 6 are running Fusion and Plasma, which provide a good amount of high-strength shots with some AP allowing for targeting more elite models or vehicles, and the final set of 6 are running Ion Blasters and Plasmas for even more high strength shots.

There are also 3 stealth suits with burst cannons that provide a decent volume of shots to help take out chaff for a relatively low investment.

Thomas Ogden tau 3Fast attacks bring in  2 Tetras as a flyer that can harass a little bit. They also happen to be pretty cheap! Heavy support brings in 3 Broadsides running Rail Rifles, which are very long-range anti-armor guns as serve as the primary threat to enemy vehicles every turn they stay on the board.

Finally closing out the list and the second detachment is Commander Shadowsun. Shadowsun has always been a fan-favorite, but now with her rules featuring a huge arsenal of ranged weapons, along with fantastic support abilities to the rest of her forces make her one of the most point efficient 150 pt models in the game.

Click Here For More Top Warhammer Army Lists

What do you think about all three of these top 40k army lists from the Valhalla GT? Are you surprised to see Tau clutch a perfect score at a competitive event so  quickly?

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