Vanari Lord Regents are Lumineth’s Martial Commanders

lumineth-realm-lords-titleThe Vanari Lord Regents are the military leaders of the great Lumineth realms, unwavering in their skill and mission.

If you like warriors of unmatched skill, the Lord Regents are right up your alley! Not only do they command armies but they actually represent Tyrion’s will and orders, so don’t mess with their commands. Get out your biggest helmet and let’s learn about some lore!

In the World

Lumineth rumor engineThe Vanari caste of the Lumineth Realm-lords consists of many different military units, from spear-wielding Aularan Wardens to steadfast Dawnriders. All of these have to be led to battle by leaders of the same militant class. These leaders are the Vanari Lord Regents. They are the single highest rank in the Vanari caste and have considerable power in Lumineth society. They mainly act as generals in Lumineth armies, inspiring their troops to greatness whilst battering the foe with their blades.

The Vanari Lord Regents are more than just military leaders, they also represent Tyrion’s will and orders. Because of this they are well versed in both soldiering and politics, speaking with Tyrion’s authority during debates and other councils. They are able to quickly sway other parties into starting new invasions or military expeditions. Not every Vanari can become such a powerful lord, however. Tyrion has created numerous tests and trails for any future Vanari Lord Regent to complete. From pilgrimages to the edge of Haixiah to taming their own mounts.

However, the majority of the Vanari Lord Regents care little for politics, they feel most at home on the battlefields of the Mortal Realms. They lead by example, charging into the fray headfirst alongside other warriors. Riding on top of their Lightcourser mounts with sword or spear. They tend to dazzle and stun whole enemy ranks with their martial prowess. Moreover, they are also keen on inspiring their troops into feats of greatness. Spurring them on with speeches and their stature.

On the Field

vanari lord regentOn the Tabletop of the Mortal Realms, Vanari Lord Regents are a leader option for any Lumineth Realm-lords army. With 6 wounds, a 3+ save and a fast 14” move, they are more than capable of harassing enemy troops and dealing a lot of damage. With their cost of 155 points they are a solid option for any army in need of a powerful martial leader, supported by other Vanari units there is nothing that can stop them.

Vanari Lord Regents are armed with their mighty Regent’s Sword. A powerful blade dealing 5 attacks, with a 2+ to hit, 3+ to wound and -1 rend. Thus, they are adept at taking down hordes of infantry and even the hardiest of monsters. They also have a trusty mount, their noble Lightcourser. The Lightcourser also fights in battle with their Horns and Claws. Whilst not as powerful as the Regent’s Sword, they still pack a punch with 3 attacks, a 3+ to hit and 4+ to wound.

Vanari Lord Regents possess a myriad of abilities to strengthen their armies. With their spell Greater Power of Hysh, they are able to strengthen the Sunmetal Weapons of D3 friendly units within 18”. Allowing them to deal Mortal Wounds on a 5+ instead of a 6+. The Vanari Lord Regent carries a Sunmetal Weapon as well, allowing any unmodified hit roll of 6 to deal a mortal wound. Lastly, with Purest Aetherquartz the Vanari Lord Regent can subtract 1 from the hit rolls made against them, whilst also adding 1 to the casting role of Greater Power of Hysh.

These noble Aelf leaders will command their armies to greatness.

Learn More About Vanari Lord Regents Here!