Vulkite Berzerkers Have Fiery Beards of Rage

Duardin Army fyreslayers age of sigmar wal horVulkite Berzerkers are some of the fiercest warriors the Fyreslayers have to offer, beware these insane fighters!

Even if you don’t have a giant fiery beard, you can still love these guys! Still, it doesn’t hurt to have your beard match your army. For now, though, get your beard ready and let’s learn about some lore!

In the World

Don’t let their size deceive you, these Duardin are not to be messed with. All Fyreslayers are staunch devotees to their flaming, rage-filled god Grimnir. The Vulkite Berzerkers are among the most numerous Fyreslayers to make up their war parties. These powerful Duardin charge into battle, arms bear, axes sharp and beards flowing in the wind like fire. They’ll laugh madly as they cut down foe after foe in a blaze of shining runes and top Duardin steel. It’s going to take a lot of effort to bring down one of these scions of Grimnir. Only a fatal blow will bring a stop to their onslaught.

The warrior lodges of the Fyreslayers are built on a simple principle: the strongest and most skilled Duardin is the best. It is from this harsh tradition that the Vulkite Berzerkers come from, for they are among the strongest and most skilled Duardin. Thus whenever they go to war the groups of Berzerkers will happily join and make up the bulk of any army. Their mighty horns blow their distinctive sound, spurring them on as they fight. Powerful relics from the fires of the Forge-Temples said to contain the roaring voice of Grimnir himself. When these horns are blown across the battlefields the runes that adorn the Vulkite Berzerkers light up with Grimnir’s power.

In battle they leave little to thought, it is in their name after all. Invigorated by their comrades, their mighty horns and the knowledge that Grimnir is watching them they throw themselves into the fray. Their beards almost seem like fire itself when they crash upon their enemies with a fury unmatched by other Duardin. They are armed with a lot of different kinds of axes to split apart skulls in any situation. Their extreme resilience in battle allows them to take a beating after beating while still fighting on like it’s nothing.

On the Field

fyreslayer wal sigmar horOn the tabletop of the Mortal Realms, Vulkite Berzerkers are a battleline option for Fyreslayers armies. They clock in at 140 points for 10 models with the options of being as big as 30 models for more points. This makes them a solid battleline option to charge into enemy objectives. Their 2 wounds make them a durable choice for clogging up the enemies advances. However, their very slow 4″ movement speed makes it hard to manoeuvre them around the battlefield.

Every Vulkite Berzerker carries a bunch of Fyresteel Throwing Axes, 8″ ranged weapons that they’ll try and throw at the foe. However, they need a 5 on both hit and wound rolls you’re better off looking at their melee weapons. You can equip your Duardin with either Fyresteel Handaxes or Fyresteel War-picks. Both are a solid weapon for these raging Duardin, the Handaxes require less on their wound rolls while the War-picks pierce through armour and inflict a -1 rend. When it comes to the Handaxes you can also equip them with two of them, allowing a re-roll of failed hit rolls.

The unit’s leader is a mighty Karl, which has an extra melee attack at his disposal. One in every five models can carry a mighty Horn of Grimnir into battle. When this Duardin blows it before a charge and giving his unit an additional 1 to their charge rolls. Their most prominent ability is their Berserk Fury, a fitting name for these Duardin. Once per battle the unit can unleash their Berserk Fury before the combat phase. During Berserk Fury any model that is slain is able to do a pile in move and attack their target with all their melee weapons before being removed from the board.

Grimnir surely looks favourable upon his Vulkite Berzerkers, rushing into battle with rage like his own.

Learn More about Vulkite Berzerkers Here!