Warhammer Fantasy Returns To The WHITE DWARF!

fantasy white dwarf #122 cover

Well sort of, Warhammer Fantasy – Total War is out today, and it’s the focus of the new White Dwarf this week as well. Come see the new game!

The video game Warhammer fans have been waiting for is finally here: Warhammer Total War is out today and it looks good:

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Warhammer: Total War $59.99

Addictive turn-based empire-building with colossal, real-time battles, all set in a world of legendary heroes, giant monsters, flying creatures and storms of magical power.
User reviews:
No user reviews
Release Date: May 24, 2016
And of course the game is getting full court press at Games Workshop as well in this week’s White Dwarf in these pictures:
Source: Imgur
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Wow such an amazing looking game, it’s almost like playing a game of Fantasy again on the tabletop, except digital simulator form! From the looks of this demo battle, it hasn’t lost a step either. Plus now you can see things on the battle field that you could only imagine before!
Don’t miss Warhammer – Total War, out now!

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