Warhammer Underworlds Arena Mortis: Pricing & Details

warhammer-pre-ordersHere are the pricing and lineup for the Warhammer Underworlds release that is on pre-order right now across the globe.

The Arena Mortis for Warhammer Underworlds is here as this week’s release. Check out the new release and everything that will be on pre-order for delivery on September 26th!

WHU: Arena Mortis $45

Get Yours For Less From Dicehead Games

Beastgrave arena morits

Inside the set, you’ll find:

– 20 all-new Gambit cards – designed for Arena Mortis but usable in ANY of your games
– 20 all-new Upgrade cards – also usable in ordinary games of Warhammer Underworlds
– A double-sided game board to play on, compatible with all existing Warhammer Underworlds boards
– Tokens and Cards for keeping track of the game
– Updated cards for the Restless Dead gambit and the Sepulchral Warden, reprinted for your convenience incorporating the latest rules updates

Will you be venturing in the Underworld with a buddy? Are you excited for the next major releases?

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