Warriors of Chaos on Advanced Order & PICS!

By Rob Baer | January 26th, 2013 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

Well here’s the complete rundown  of the new Warriors of Chaos Models, courtesy of Faeit’s spies.

Looks like we’re getting some pretty sweet models, that can be used across systems as well, bits wise at least!

Time to turn the conversion level up to 11 and crank out some sweet CSM minis me thinks!  Plus oh my, my, how I love me some plastic Dragon Ogres finally!

Of course Spikey Bits Advanced Orders are live right now so be sure to lock in you minis now and help support the gamers that work hard bringing you this blog daily!

Checkout out all the new minis available now on Spikey Bits Advanced Order!

Courtesy of Faeit:

February White Dwarf. Lokken and Abaddon+ WoC

By now most everyone has seen pics of the Warriors of Chaos models, and the models themselves alongside their armybook is to ready for pre-order tomorrow. So here is a quick look ahead at what we will be seeing tomorrow from the latest White Dwarf magazine.

Also of note, Forgeworld’s Lokken and Abaddon are here as well. They are Works in Progress (WIP) and will hopefully be released sometime soon. This pic comes from Trueminiwargamer.
Most of my Warriors of Chaos pics are spanish and come from the Freak Factory, but hey, the models are out in a few short hours (not to mention a lot of spanish speakers come to this site). I am also expecting the standard close up video from GW here later today. At least I hope so, I do really like it when they finally show us a nice close up view of each model.