Webway Assault is BACK! 5 More Ynnead Rules You Have To See!

By Rob Baer | February 7th, 2017 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

yncarne aeldari

Checkout the new mode of attack and more special rules that are coming our way in the Gathering Storm: Fracture of Biel-Tan supplement!

Today we’re peeling back the covers of digital version of the Gathering Storm: Fracture of Biel-Tan supplement that was briefly available for download early Saturday morning.

gathering storm II fracture of Biel tan

++++++ Caution Spoilers +++++++










So one thing to keep in mind that even though these are 100% the rules from the new supplement, they are taken out of context. Meaning we do not know exactly how they will interact with the new and existing factions until we see the formations, and army composition pages.

But man, they are SPICY!

Here is a sample of what we can expect on the Aedari side of things:


Is it back? The dope rule is back from the Eye of Terror Codex from the early 2000’s with a few tweeks

Looks like Biel Tan is angrier than normal after losing their craftworld! Eldar Assemble!

Not sure if this pertains to all formations etc, or if it is just for a specific mission. What interests me more is the Combined Unit explanation that seems to be very well written.

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Oh boy. This New Faction has some VERY interesting new rules for sure!

eldar cover hor

New Psychic Powers Revealed for the Aeldari

eldar cover new

Did the Eldar Just Get Even Better? Ynnead’s Special Rules Spotted!

But what of the fluff? Well everything we know has come from the Twitch Streams OR the White Dwarf itself:

More and more is slowly being revealed about the Visarch. He was the only warrior to harness the power of a Cronesword. He was once known as Exarch Laarian,  but he changed to something stranger and more unsettling after an encounter with the Daughter of shades. He taught Yvraine in her former life as an Aspect Warrior. His feelings for Yvraine diverted his course and his spirits broke after she chose a life of murder and moral decrepitude in Commorragh, he would eventually follow her, but keep his distance. He posed as an Incubus and fought his way to a position of prominence in the Dark City to keep a better watch on her. Ah, young love.

New Gathering Storm Book

It’s been revealed previously that Yvraine walked many different paths in her life, her spirit is what the Eldar used to be. Jes Goodwin and Neil Langdown give a nice look into what they were thinking when designing her. They made her look feminine and menacing, without taking away her modesty and traditional feel. They did a combination of gown and catsuit, something the people here at Spikey Bits can appreciate as well.


Ah Eldrad, we meet again, and again, and again. Is he going to be the savior of the Eldar? He’s one of the oldest Eldar alive, he remembers the time before the coming of the Imperium, and he was the first to Scry Horus’s betrayal. He is a master manipulator, often getting other races to fight one another, drawing the attention away from the Eldar, Ghazghkull’s Invasion of Armageddon was brought about due to Eldrad’s plotting. But no matter what, he finds himself on trial in Fracture of Biel-Tan for the “misappropriation of the Eldar’s mutual destiny” after trying to awaken Ynnead of his own volition.

This really is some great information to read with a lot of insight of what we can expect to see in the Fracture of Biel-Tan. But they have already hinted at a 3rd book, what could it be? Where do you think this story is going? Will Eldrad be punished for trying to wake Ynnead? Let us know in the comments below.

gathering storm II fracture of Biel tan

More on the Gathering Storm