What is Warhammer TV?

By Rob Baer | January 30th, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

Warhammer TV   YouTube logo

Looks like there is a ‘new’ video sheriff in town and it’s called Warhammer TV. But what is it exactly?

It seems like the trend over at Games Workshop as of late is to re-name everything they own to ‘Warhammer’.

warhammer store

First some of their stores in England, were changed from “Games Workshop’ to ‘Warhammer’ and now apparently their YouTube channel has been re-branded as well.

Maybe this is more proof of a merging of their two core games into one, or just part of a marketing plan based off the name of the games, versus the name of the company.

Say hello to the ‘newest’ tabletop wargaming channel on the ‘tubes, Warhammer TV

Warhammer TV   YouTube


What do YOU think, are we looking at a complete rebranding of GW stores and medias in the near future?


Go check it out now, Duncan is showing off how to paint a Necron Lord. Woot!