Where’s Our Chaos? – Plastic Greater Daemon Rumors

By Rob Baer | October 13th, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors


fateweaver greater daemon

Come see the latest in-depth rumors about plastic greater daemons, and what it may mean for the game overall!


Via BoLS

The Bloodthirster has been out for a bit now now, and it was clear that something unusual happened during it’s production.

First of all there has been talk of the plastic  Major Daemons being “on ice’ for over two years now.  You will recall warseer’s Harry (the Federal Reserve of rumormeisters) mentioned them over a year ago, and offered up some detail on the Bloodthirster well in advance.

The main Bloodthirster came out in February with END TIMES Archaon – Codex Khorne Daemonkin.  His Sprue is marked with a reasonable 2014 copyright mark – making perfect sense for a model released in very early 2015.


This September Skarbrand showed up with a kit that shared one of the Bloodthirster’s sprues and a 2013 copyright on his unique sprue.  Many of the parts are completely interchangable – for example, you can build the standard Bloodthirster kit with Skarbrand’s walking legs for variety.

Many folks think that out of sequence copyright date points to a GW redo of some kind of an earlier and abandoned 2013 original Bloodthirster kit.

In any case it is clear that GW was willing to sit on a kit as impressive as Skarbrand for 2 years.

And that brings us toe real question – WHAT ABOUT THE OTHER THREE PLASTIC MAJORS? 

via an anonymous (but very trusted) rumormeister

Lord of Change – Complete and on ice. Awaiting a slot in the release schedule.

Great Unclean One – In development currently.  A difficult kit to make modular to allow variant builds.

Keep of Secrets – On indefinite hold


This comes from an source who has had a solid track record.  And it raises a lot of questions.  Let’s assume for a moment that the Bloodthirster/Skarbrand is setting the new pattern:

Each Major should be a kit that builds several (3) variants and clocks in at about $120

Each Major will get a named character follow-on kit that clocks in at $130 



So let’s take these in turn with notes of how they fit into the existing rumorsphere:


Lord of Change – Probable Named Character: Kairos Fateweaver

Rumors: there has been talk since early 2015 of Tzeentch being the #2 power after Khorne to get a big range reboot with a plastic major, new daemons, mortal followers and probably a Daemonkin book.  The talk of the Lord of Change kit just awaiting its’ release date fits into this perfectly. I would expect this guy sooner than later.


Great Unclean One – Probable Named Character: Ku’Gath Plaguefather

Rumors: All quiet on the Nurgle front, but with the range’s popularity a #3 position behind Tzeentch makes sense.  I can certainly see the technical difficulty in making the bloated bulk of a GUO kit modular enough to produce bit-swap variants in a single kit, much less the insane design challenge of Ku’Gath who take to the battlefield “atop a palanquin loaded with the paraphernalia of a mobile laboratory…carried across the universes by a mound of straining Nurglings”  Yeah good luck with that!


Keeper of Secrets – Probable Named Character: None (maybe N’Kari)

Rumors: There has been total silence on the Slaanesh front for a while now regarding new miniatures.  Hit by the one-two punch of deathly silence in the rumorsphere and the Age of Sigmar disappearing act – the news of a kit on “indefinite hold” is a troublesome sign.

~Have at it – which Major Daemon do you most want and what do you think GW is up to with the remaining 3 chaos powers?