Wild Savings Alert: Mantic Rolls Out 3 Tanks for $100

3 Tanks for $100 featureIt’s hard to find tanks this cheap almost anywhere, and Mantic is rolling out 3 tanks for just $100- check it out!

Mantic has some amazing alternative games, and of course, miniatures that work for pretty much any sci-fi game. This time, they are putting out an amazing bundle deal for tank prices you won’t find very often.

These could easily be used as alternatives for Imperial Guard in 40k if you don’t want to spend more money than you have to. Let’s take a closer look at the bundle.

GCPS / Marauders / Plague Wolverine Battlegroup: $100

3 Tanks for $100 2Just keep in mind, this bundle is on pre-order now and should be shipping out on August 28th.

3 Tanks for $100Here are the specs on this one:

The venerable Wolverine has been in service to the GCPS for centuries. First introduced to frontline combat by the Jarek Corporation in 723AE during the Siege of Arkon VII, the design was seemingly a throwback to a bygone era. However, due to its durability, ruggedness and utility, it quickly became popular with remote outposts where funding the latest military hardware, and finding the people and parts to maintain it, was a serious challenge. The basic design has remained fairly stable through the years, although local customisations and modifications can be found throughout the GCPS. One of the most obvious, and prevalent variants is the APC, used to safely transport infantry into the thick of the action.

3 Tanks for $100 3

While the mega-corporations like Mazon Labs exclusively showcase the latest military hardware, many remote garrisons in the outer spheres will frequently field Wolverine formations, as they are so cheap and easy to keep running – but of course, where a planet or sector has fallen to the Plague, then the very same vehicles will fall into the hands of the infected. The Marauders especially like it – it has a certain brutish charm that appeals to their nature.

3 Tanks for $100 4

NOTES: The Wolverine can be deployed by the following factions – GCPS, Marauders, & Plague. Each vehicle in this Battlegroup set can be built as either a Wolverine Tank or a Wolverine APC.

Click Here to Get 3 Tanks for $100!