Wizards Announce Pioneer Challenger Decks 2022

Wizards just announced the new Pioneer Challenger Decks 2022 and each one will be a competitive deck for the pioneer format- check it out!

These are designed to be competitive-level pre-constructed decks with some options for players and will be released for retail in October. So it’s not that far off and leaves you plenty of time to get excited. This announcement comes from Wizards

The four decks will be Pioneer Dimir Control, Orhov Humans, Izzet Phoenix, and Pioneer Gruul Stompy. they haven’t released exact details on the cards yet but we hope they are as competitive as they say. It would be really cool for players to just grab a deck and be able to be competitive.

Wizards Announce Pioneer Challenger Decks 2022


As we said each deck will have a sideboard of 15 cards each, 5 double-sided tokens, 6 helper cards, and a deck box that can hold up to 75 sleeved cards. Then when it comes to stores, displays come with 8 decks each. Let’s hear from them about the decks: 

Each 60-card deck (includes basic lands) comes ready to play and is powerful enough to compete in the Pioneer format. With every deck, you’ll also get a 15-card sideboard to fine-tune your strategy, 5 double-sided tokens, 6 Helper cards for use with double-faced cards, and a deck box (which can hold 75 sleeved cards).

Pioneer decks 2Here’s everything you will get in the sets:

  • 1 battle-ready 60-card MTG Pioneer Challenger Deck
  • 15-card sideboard
  • 5 double-sided tokens and 6 helper cards
  • 1 deck box (holds 75 sleeved Magic cards)

Will you be picking any of the new decks up? 

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