Wizard’s Workshop From Kromlech Hits Shelves!

Wizard's Workshop rThe Wizard’s Workshop pieces from Kromlech will let you build up some awesome extras for your fantasy games in no time!

Kromlech is always putting out some of the coolest alternative minis, terrain, and bits on the market! If you haven’t checked them out before, they are definitely worth looking into. This time though, we’ll be focusing on a new release that will have almost a dozen pieces. They are perfect for any fantasy game or RPG to really add that extra layer of depth! 

They have tons of bits that are perfect for 40k and fantasy, so even if these aren’t up your alley, they probably have something else you would love. So go check out their site after you see these pieces. Let’s get into what you can score now!

Wizard’s Workshop: $75.39

Wizard's Workshop fullObviously, this is all about wizards, and the insane things they would probably have in their rooms! If you love what Kromlech is up to, check out everything else they have been releasing here as well!

Every wizard’s workshop is filled with numerous, sometimes strange, and unknown utensils. From books containing long-forgotten knowledge to alchemic bottles filled with colorful liquids – everything is important and potentially dangerous. Only those with certain expertise in the arcane of science and wizardry can rummage through this collection without the risk of dire consequences.
This set combines seven different products from the Wizard’s Workshop range – 17 high-quality resin elements. Designed to fit 28mm heroic scale wargames. Supplied unpainted and require assembly.

Wizard’s Workshop Workdesk with Chair: $17.39

Wizard's Workshop 2Every great wizard needs a good desk!

Broad desk with tons of books, accessories, and various trinkets, along with a comfortable chair -the most important place in every wizard’s workshop. This is where the magic happens. Literally!

Closet: $10.43

Wizard's Workshop 3They really added a lot of detail to every piece.

Every adventurer knows that there is nothing like a simple closet – hidden inside such a piece of furniture could be numerous treasures or even a secret passage to some magical land of wonders. Also, it is a perfect place to hide during the peasants’ revolt!

Workshop’s Chalkboard: $11.59

Wizard's Workshop 4For whatever reason, this is just such a cool piece and allows you so many fun painting options of what the wizard has been working on.

One of the essentials for every wizard’s workshop. The board is constantly covered with notes and calculations of high importance – erasing any of them could have grave consequences for the entire world. This and a couple of others.

Wizard’s Bookpiles: $11.59

Wizard's Workshop 5Again, no wizard worth their salt wouldn’t have books all over the place.

Ancient grimoires, forgotten manuscripts, and works of hundreds of wizards and witches from all over the world. The knowledge contained within them is as much dangerous as the books themselves – scattered across the floor and piling up to the ceiling. A careless person can easily trip over them or cause an avalanche of all those heavy tomes.

Bookshelf: $12.75

Wizard's Workshop 6Maybe the more expensive books actually make it to the shelf.

With only the most valuable and delicate tomes, this bookshelf still contains enough mystical knowledge to unleash daemons of hell upon the world, bring down the moon from the sky, or even cure many deadly diseases. However, they should never be opened as they might lose their near-mint collecting status.

Hunting Trophies: $11.59

Wizard's Workshop 7This might be our favorite piece as you can show off the conquests of your wizard!

Most of the animals’ heads decorating walls above a fireplace in some noble houses are fake, poorly constructed, and stuffed by some vendor on a market. If one really wishes to show off, he should find a wizard. During their adventures they meet so many fantastical and dangerous beasts – surely they will have a spare head for sale.

That does it for this one, now go get some awesome pieces!

Get Your Kromlech Terrain & Bits Here!