Wyrd Games Turns The Heat Up With The Fire Golem!

By Tim Roberts | March 28th, 2018 | Categories: Malifaux, Warhammer 40k Rumors, Wyrd

Fire Golem Backdraft cover img

Wyrd Games has fed the fire with this newest preview from the Backdraft Encounter Box. Let’s take a look at the Fire Golem.

Wyrd Games keeps rolling out new and exciting units for their amazing world of Malifaux in the form of these two faction encounter boxes. Today we take a look at the burning big boy of Backdraft, the Fire Golem!Malifaux 2nd Edition

The Fire Golem is a powerful enforcer that utilizes the Burning Condition in a number of new ways. In addition to lighting enemies on fire with its Flaming Fist and Flame Tornado attacks, it possesses the Flame Nova Action, which lets it discard a card to give all models within 3″ and LoS (including itself) the Burning Condition. This isn’t the only way the Fire Golem can light its own fire; it has the Kindling trigger on its Flaming Fists that increase its Burning, as well as the amazing Draw Off Flame action, which lets it teleport into base contact with a Burning model within 10″ and absorb all of its flames.

As one might expect, the Fire Golem isn’t really hindered by being on fire. It’s immune to any sort of damage from the Burning Condition, and when it suffers damage, it can lower its Burning Condition to reduce the amount of damage it suffers by an equal amount. In order to make this ability more effect, the Fire Golem doesn’t end its Burning Condition at the end of the turn… and neither does anyone unfortunate enough to be in base contact with it.

Somewhere in the far-away workshops of the Arcanists, Anasalea Kaeris is making squeeing sounds.

Backdraft box

This blazing Fire Golem is going to be an amazing addition to the ever-expanding world of Malifaux. Make sure you keep an eye out for the Backdraft Encounter Box and other great new products from Wyrd Games!

Don’t forget to head over to the Wyrd Forums and see what everyone else is saying about the Fire Golem!