X-Wing: New Rebel Expansion REVEALED!

Fantasy Flight Games just gave us another preview of an upcoming release for the Rebels in Star Wars X-Wing. Come take a look at the new Saw’s Renegades expansion.

Saw’s Renegades is bringing two new ships to Star Wars X-wing, and they are definitely going to stand out on the tabletop. Let’s check out what Fantasy Flight Games has to say about the upcoming release.X-Wing Saw's Renegades

The Saw’s Renegades Expansion Pack brings a distinct edge to the Rebel Alliance forces of X-Wing™. Featuring both a U-wing miniature and a T-65 X-wing miniature sporting the distinct black-and-white paint scheme of Saw and his Partisans, this expansion also offers an assortment of ship and upgrade cards that take both ships in exciting new directions.



Despite the long odds, Saw’s band of freedom fighters zealously fly their starfighters into battles that others deem hopeless. To have any chance, they need to get the most out of their customized ships. For this reason, the Saw’s Renegades Expansion expands the capabilities of the T-65 X-wing beyond anything that has previously been seen with a new dual-sided upgrade card.

From the moment they began their attack on the Death Star in Star Wars: A New Hope, it was evident that the T-65 X-wing performed differently with its S-foils set in different positions. Now, this functionality makes its way into X-Wingwith the Servomotor S-foils modification. Not only do the S-foils on the T-65 miniature included in this expansion physically open and close, this upgrade gives it new abilities while flying in these configurations.

Saw's Renegades

The S-Foils (Closed) is going to be a great way to clear stress and get out of dodge of your opponent’s attacks, while the S-Foils (Open) is going to give you the perfect opportunity to jump on the offensive and get yourself in that perfect position to attack.

But where the cards in the U-Wing Expansion Pack focused on military espionage, those found in the Saw’s Renegades Expansion Pack tend to be more directly confrontational. For example, if you choose Saw Gerrera  as a pilot, friendly ships in the thick of the fight can reroll one of their attack dice while they have stress tokens or damage cards.


Benthic Two Tubes,  on the other hand, can assign focus tokens to nearby friendly ships, the perfect way to help out an X-wing closing in for an attack.


This is only a few of the new cards that were previewed from the new expansion, make sure you head over to Fantasy Flight Games and check out the rest. Overall, the Saw’s Renegades expansion looks like it’s going to be a must-have for Rebel players, and it’s now available for pre-order.

Are you going to be picking up Saw’s Renegades? Which U-Wing pilot are you more likely to take? Let us know in the comments below.

Saw’s Renegades Expansion Pack $39.95

X-Wing Saw's Renegades

Take the skies with Saw Gerrera and his renegades with the Saw’s Renegades Expansion Pack! Rather than introducing completely new ships to the game, this expansion follows in the vein of the Rebel Aces Expansion Pack and the Heroes of the Resistance Expansion Pack by introducing new versions of existing ships already in the service of the Rebel Alliance. In this case, you’ll find two new ship miniatures—a U-wing and a T-65 X-wing, both pre-painted in the stunning black-and-white paint scheme of Saw Gerrera’s freedom fighters.

Though the ships may be functionally the same as the ones included in previous expansions, the Saw’s Renegades Expansion Pack offers an assortment of ship cards featuring pilots from Saw’s motley band of warriors—or even Saw Gerrera himself, flying his powerful U-wing into your battles. Along with new ship cards for both the T-65 X-wing and the U-wing, you’ll find an arsenal of fifteen new upgrade cards, equipping your squadrons with any number of unusual tactics or system upgrades.

For more on these ships and Star Wars: X-Wing, visit Fantasy Flight Games!