You Should Check Out The Exemplar Premier Wet Palette

exemplar wet palette feature rLike for real, the new Exemplar Premier Wet Palette System from Game Envy is awesome, and you can order yours right now!

Game Envy has already had a bunch of successful projects and this one after just a day is almost funded, so we’re sure this is going to be a huge success. Plus, the price of the Wet Palette is super nice. Not only that, but you can get yours right now by clicking here!

So not something you’ll have to wait around for forever, which is awesome when it comes to Kickstarters.  Plus, you get a ton of papers with each- that way you won’t have to refill for a while.

Exemplar Premier Wet Palette System:

exemplar wet paletteThe system is set up perfectly. With room for your supplies on top, a place for your phone (or inspiration), and it’s super slim. Plus, to get one it’s only a $30 pledge and that also unlocks all the stretch goals for you as well.

exemplar wet palette 2There are also a ton of add-ons from their latest products that can be added as well. So go check out what else they have made thus far. We’ll let them tell you a little more about the project:

The Exemplar Premier Wet Palette System is the culmination of countless hours designing, testing and working with engineers, manufacturers and most importantly painters and hobbyists to create the perfect wet palette for any skill level. The Exemplar Premier Wet Palette System is a combination of the Exemplar Wet Palette and our fine-tuned Exemplar Wet Palette Supplies. 

exemplar wet palette 3

The Exemplar Premier Wet Palette System features a high-performance, replaceable silicone seal that works together with a sturdy four-point closure system, ensuring you always have the best seal on your palette. To help regulate the moisture in your palette based on your climate and painting preferences, we have also added a separate air release/vacuum valve on the lid.

A sealed Exemplar Palette can retain moisture for days, weeks, and even months. With a highly refined parchment rooted wet palette paper, and an extraordinarily absorbent, open-cell, microporous sponge the moisture control on the palette surface is unparalleled while remaining affordable.

exemplar wet palette 4You can see just how slim this thing is! It would be so easy to transport and take your paint with you wherever you could want.

exemplar wet palette 5The paint area of 6.5” x 9.85” (165mm x 250mm) provides plenty of room for small or large painting projects. The paint area features subtly rounded corners to maximize usable palette space. 

That does it for this one! Now go back an awesome company and get this amazing new product that may just be the best wet palette out there!

Click Here To Get Yours Now!