Organized Play Now Penalizing Players for Smelling Bad

Yu-Gi-Oh! smell hygiene

First bullying and now hygiene has made it was into OP regulations. Yu-Gi-Oh! just announced new guidelines that could leave some people penalized!

Every person has their “stinky gamer story” if they’ve played in a handful of tournaments. Usually, people and tournament organizers turn a blind eye to the smelly players. However Yu-Gi-Oh! have taken a stand in their tournament guidelines. 

Yu-Gi-Oh! Penalizes Smelly Players


It looks like things have gotten so bad in the card-game world that tournament organizers from Yu-Gi-Oh! have taken a stand and decided to penalize players that smell excessively bad or have dirty clothes.



Tournament Standing on Hygiene under Section II Duelist Responsibilities

Do We Need That Ruling at Tabletop Tournaments?

atc event 2018

We’re sure everyone has played against a bad-smelling 40k player at some point. So should tournament organizers put a ruling in-place that penalizes players that don’t take their hygiene seriously? If you’ve played at some gatherings, you probably know that some hosts will try to squeeze as many tables into an area as possible.

That means that you’re bound to be shoulder-to-shoulder with some other players. The risk of finding a smelly person only goes up!

More often than not though larger events are run in spacious convention halls with good ventilation and space for not only larger-sized gamers but also ones that require a wheelchair as well.  The risk of personal hygiene interactions may be a bit more of an issue at the local level.

Shout out to the tournament hosts like Warzone Atlanta that leave enough room for players all the way around the tables. While that is not always possible at every event it is nice to see. It is worth pointing out that Nova Open also includes deodorant in their goodie bags each year as well.

Do you think Yu-Gi-Oh! finally made a rule on something that everybody was already thinking? Should other tournament organizers follow suit? Does your local shop have anything in place to keep the smells to a minimum? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.