By secret I mean ideas come from someplace, right? Did the people who made the lovable 40k Orks see this ancient Ork Tech?
You may have seen this picture before, however, what you may not have known is that this was a project lead by General Electric; yes, their imagination has been at work for decades. Maybe these are in fact the Brain Boys who helped inspire the entire Ork race.
That Power Claw is looking really Orky with it’s exposed wires, chunky proportions, and well, it’s general bad-assery. At this point, I’m kind of wondering why in the heck we all don’t already own these in preparation for the Zombie Apocalypse. Forget Brass knuckles, I want me a Power Claw!
There’s a whole collection of crazy contraptions the OG GE Brain Boyz that could pass as Ork over at aivanet. I’m sure the average internet troll knows that nothing GW does is exactly new but the idea of throwing together all these once futuristic ideas into a race that would rather smash things is not only a bit genius but also a bit of a retrospective on the human condition; I mean, who doesn’t like a good fight? But, enough with the social introspective, lets talk about those pictures.
If some of them pictures look familiar it might be because you’ve seen Boston Dynamics, among others, as they work on the next generation of robotics. If you’re into the sort of thing you might want to visit PopSci to get the latest scope.
Even if you’re not into robotics these sites can offer a range of hobbying ideas that you could incorporate into your own Orky conversions. Because really, Games Workshop shouldn’t be the only ones stealing from reality and slapping it into the 40k universe.
So what do you guys think? Maybe the Brain Boys are actually Oomies from the 21st Century?