Can you figure out these bits? Don’t miss the latest 17 rumor engine bits that are still unidentified as we head into a red-hot hobby summer.
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A new Warhammer card game has been spotted that’ll be hitting the shelves soon. We’ll be taking a look at how the game works and what factions will be in it.
Read MoreGet your hobby dollars ready because we’ve got a new list of releases for 40k’s Necromunda and Age of Sigmar that are coming out with their prices!
Read MoreDon’t miss your chance to win a Knight Crusader multi-part kit July 30th at 9 pm while watching our latest hobby tutorial on Twitch.
Read MoreNow that you have a couple of 1000 point games under your belt with your Soul Wars Nighthaunt army let’s take a look at building that list to 2000 points.
Read MoreMore rumors are here for 40k’s Orks and Space Wolves releases as the release roadmap for Q3 2018 is starting to snap into place. Come see what may be next!
Read MoreCome and get the full rundown and prices for the 40k Kill Team wave two and the new AoS releases this week from Games Workshop.
Read MoreComing at you for pre-order next week is a whole new host of hive gangers, ghosts, and Grandhammers for all of Warhammer.
Read MoreCome and get the full rundown and prices for the 40k Kill Team wave two and the new AoS releases this week from Games Workshop.
Read MoreDon’t miss your chance to win a Knight Crusader multi-part kit July 30th at 9 pm while watching our latest hobby tutorial on Twitch.
Read MoreIt’s one thing to have to fight one Imperial Knight Titan but what if you had to fight a whole legion of them! That is a no win situation.
Read MoreThe tabletop tournament scene is growing more popular every day. So what does it take to run a good tournament? Should the organizers make profit?
Read MoreAn FAQ was released pretty much everything in Age of Sigmar 2.0, and there have been some huge changes all around. Let’s take a deeper look.
Read MoreGet your hobby dollars ready because we’ve got a new list of releases for both 40k and Age of Sigmar coming up with their prices!
Read MoreDon’t miss your chance to win a resin 6″ Predator Statue July 23rd at 9 pm while watching our latest hobby tutorial on Twitch.
Read MoreLet’s take a look at the new Soul Wars Nighthaunts and what you need to put together a great 1000 point list for Age of Sigmar.
Read MoreGames Workshop has been busy pumping out new releases lately. Now that all of the White Dwarf preview AoS kits are out, What’s next?
Read MoreCheck out what you may have missed this weekend, while you were getting your hobby on or just enjoying the mid-summer weather!
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