When you are talking about the greatest heroes of the Age of Sigmar, you can’t finish the convo without discussing Gotrek!
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The Stormcast Eternals protect the Realms of Sigmar from the forces of Chaos and all other enemies!
Read MoreWhen you are part of the Stormcast Eternal you kind of lose all fear of death. I mean, why fear it when you are just reborn!
Read MoreDo you remember when this hobbyist literally burned his Fantasy army in a fit over Age of Sigmar’s release? Guess who probably feels dumb now, lol.
Read MoreThe Stormcast are eternal but not their minds. They slowly degrade after each regeneration until there’s not much left but a warrior in a suit!
Read MoreThe Empire is back (sort of) in one of the most anticipated battletomes since AoS first hit the shelves. Here’s four more city army lists to try!
Read MoreThe Empire is back (sort of) in one of the most anticipated battletomes since AoS first hit the shelves. Let’s dive into the first 3 cities!
Read MoreThe Stormcast Eternals are made up of the bravest warriors from across all realms and brought together to push back the forces of Chaos!
Read MoreA new GW rumor engine is here and while it’s got a familiar shape, we’re not entirely sure who it’s going to or to what game. Take a look.
Read MoreTwo new battletomes for AOS and a mini-rulebook for 40k are here. GW is taking a break from new model releases and is giving us a huge batch of rules!
Read MoreTwo new battletomes for AOS and a mini-rulebook for 40k are here. GW is taking a break from new model releases and is giving us a huge batch of rules!
Read MoreCheck out these city-specific faction playstyles. Cities of Sigmar are joining forces with the rest of the Grand Alliance Order with these new rules.
Read MoreGW is taking a break from new model releases and is giving us a huge batch of rules! Two new battletomes for AOS and a mini-rulebook for 40k are here.
Read MoreAlliances of Dwarves, Elves, and Men. A deeper look into the Cities of Sigmar is here with and what we can expect from the next Order Battletome.
Read MoreIt’s an Age of Sigmar two-fer next week! Cities of Sigmar and Orruk Warclans are releasing with all new battletomes, warscroll cards and more!
Read MoreThe indomitable will of man has spread far and wide and wouldn’t exist without the help of its many brave warriors!
Read MoreAoS don’t miss these! The new Dominion of Sigmar warscroll rules were just spotted for all the sets of terrain that are hitting stores this week.
Read MoreTons of new releases are on the way! Don’t miss the biggest hobby updates and news from the last few days all right here!
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