If you enter the woods in the mortal realms you better beware, sometimes you are trespassing in the woods of the Sylvaneth!
Read MoreSearch Results for: age of sigmar
Don’t miss the latest on possible Ork release dates, and the model kits that may go out of stock Day 1 from Games Workshop.
Read MoreThe Stormcast Eternals have always been made up of the greatest heroes of all time. Check out what happens when they jump to the Grim Dark.
Read MoreWhen the Stormcast were first created by the mighty hands of Sigmar they were made from the greatest warriors of the old world!
Read MoreMore great books are here from GW this week, as War For Armageddon, Choke Point, and more headline the lore side of things from the Black Library.
Read MoreDon’t miss the new Kickstarter from Lost Kingdom Miniatures and create a one of a kind Lizardmen army for IX Age or Age of Sigmar!
Read MoreTalk about a Sigmar Space Marine. This Conversion we spotted recently definitely takes the cake! Check out this Primaris Sigmarine
Read MoreCome get the latest news and product happenings from the upcoming Forgebane releases to Age of Sigmar rumors, new releases from Forge World, and more!
Read MoreThe Stormcast Eternals were, and are, the greatest heroes of the realms, brought back to fight forever against the forces of Chaos! Now with more Tiger’s Blood?
Read MoreThe Stormcast Eternals are plagued with the knowledge that it is more than likely their sole responsibility to take care of Chaos!
Read MoreForge World just announced that the Horus Heresy Age of Darkness book is now up for sale with some free reference cards as well for limited time only!
Read MoreForge World just announced that the Horus Heresy Age of Darkness book will be released before the end of the year. You’re not going to want to miss this!
Read MoreThe days of searching for the FAQ’s you need right that second are over. Games Workshop has made a new easy to find page for all of their FAQ’s.
Read MoreHere is an interesting first 1000 points list, a little harder to do and limited but could be fun in narrative play: the Devoted of Sigmar.
Read MoreWith the new general’s handbook GW introduced allies to matched play where in a standard 2000-point game, 400 of it can be from your “allies” pool.
Read MoreThe Firestorm Campaign is finally here, but will you want to grab your Age of Sigmar armies to conquer the Flamescar Plateau?
Read MoreBon voyage and other well-preserved cheese to another project. A bunch of Alestorm, Kraken and late nights wrapped up in one final set of pictures.
Read MoreIf you’ve got big bad beasties to paint for your Age of Sigmar army, keep it icy with these wintry color schemes for any army in the mortal realms.
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