The Greater Good is coming! Come see the latest battle report from SN battle reports featuring The Tau and some shiny Deathwatch!!
Read MoreSearch Results for: dawn of war
Chaos is stirring! Come see the latest battle report from SN battle reports featuring Tyranids and Chaos Daemonkin!
Read MoreDon’t miss the newest Games Workshop Humble Bundle! There is only 2 days left to go. Check it out!
Read MoreThe Tau are here! Come see some great tips and tricks for using their favorite fortification, the Skyshield Landing Pad!
Read MoreTake command of the new Imperial Knight titan and rip into you enemies in this hard hitting Mech battle video game!
Read MoreThe Inquisition has sent an Imperial decree to Chapter Master Kadorr of the Storm Lords that a rogue detachment of Space Wolves have been located within their sector and must be terminated with extreme prejudice. Wolf Lord Arn of the Iron Wolves Great Company will join them in the hunt with his personal cadre to […]
Read MoreHey Guys, Evan from FTGT back again. This time I’m taking a look at some rules that are often forgotten, overlooked, or implemented incorrectly.
Read MoreWallace Cumberlich, resident of Nottingham for ten years… sat down at the table next to his co-workers- Cruddace, Ward, and Kelly.Hey guys Jstove is back, and better than ever! Checkout this fictional harrowing fly on the wall tale of interoffice politicking, at the latest developmental meeting for everyone’s favorite company. But remember kids, this is […]
Read MoreHey guys, The Maz here, and a few weekends ago I had the privilege of being able to learn how to airbrush from none other than the “Greatest pimp in the world.” by which I mean Kenny Boucher.The event of course was SpikeyCon, (FTW Games’ yearly birthday celebration) which hosted the two day painting seminar […]
Read MoreRecently at GenghisCon, I had the opportunity to field the Skyshield Landing Pad for the first time. I decided to bring it out for that 40K RTT for a number of reasons. I’d had the model sitting on my shelf for a long time and I needed a kick in the butt to get it […]
Read MoreToday we have a sweet bonus episode for you to checkout! This episode was a guest appearance by video game voice actor Zach Hanks, and of course features our usual dives into nerdom.Zach is a voice actor from the Dawn of War video game series, as well as more mainstream game projects as well. His most recent project […]
Read MoreSup Spikey Bits, longtime lurker, sometimes contributor JStove here, and today I want to bring you something nobody can ever get enough of… Battle reports! Now, I neglected to take pictures, but don’t worry so much about that. I personally can’t stand undocumented batreps either… Fortunately, this won’t be such a big deal, because the […]
Read MoreToday I have for you our Tyranids’ Battle Report from our win at the American Team Championships.Casey Christopher was nice enough to step up and cover for Nick Rose who wasn’t able to make it at the last second. Casey is by far one of the best ‘nid players in the USA, and had won […]
Read MoreCheckout this guest battle report by Next Level Painting, featuring Necrons vs. Tyranids. As were at the big Wave two release of Necrons I wanted to feature them a little more in here, fortunately my buddy Kenny let me brorow this sweet battle report on them. From Next Level Painting:This time it’s Mike’s Necrons […]
Read MoreThese are the final flash rules we hashed out over the past month at the shop. They work pretty well, and keep the pace of play moving well. I encourage you to try them if you looking for something new to spice up some 40k play. Please comment back with how it goes!Here’s the changes […]
Read MoreMeeker wrote up these 40K ‘ard boyz style mission scenarios awhile ago for us to use at the shop. They went over well, so I thought I’d post em up for others to use. Sometimes it hard to come up with challenging missions on the fly! -MBGScenario 1: The Omen Start: Roll off. The winner may choose to […]
Read MoreToday I have a two-fer, an article on Grey Knights and Goat Boy all in one. MIND BLOWN! Yup its true, Thomas placed third at Feast of Blades over the weekend (not second like I said on Monday). What do I know anyways, lol? Jump below for his Army list and Pics! After the event I went up […]
Read MoreAround the shop were starting up a little escalation league of sorts, themed around what else but the NECRONS. (good timing eh?) I thought I’d get on here and post up how we’re running it, so maybe the fever will spread, and inspire other clubs or stores to run their own flash leagues as well.So here’s how it works…. […]
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