Don’t miss the 15 new releases for wave two of the Genestealer Cult, Skaven and Flesh Eater Courts are coming next week for the Warhammer hobby.
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New rules are here for Age of Sigmar as Carrion Empire is pairing up two factions in the new starter. Here’s the latest for Skaven and Flesh-Eater Courts!
Read MoreThe Skaven love to corrupt all races and watch them slowly change into filthy skittering rats just like them. It is a truly disturbing site!
Read MoreDo you want more Age of Sigmar? Well, you got it! AoS is getting even more love with the new Carrion Empire Box Set! Don’t miss it.
Read MoreIf you’re wandering around in the Realms of Sigmar and you hear a scurrying hurrying up from behind you, it’s probably a safe bet to hide!
Read MoreIf your Warhammer Age of Sigmar faction isn’t getting a Battleforce, there are still deals to be had. Check out all these AoS Start Collecting Box values!
Read MoreOur King of the Rats series next takes us to Clan Skryre, the “engineers” of Skaven society that dream up all sorts of war machines and experiments.
Read MoreThe Skaven are a race of special sub-human rats that scurry faster and harder then any other race can. They are the plague of many worlds!
Read MoreToday we’re talking about the rattiest of the Skaven, Clan Moulder! Dive on into the sewers with us as we take these rats to 2000 points!
Read MoreWhat do you get when you mix a Skaven into some assassin body armour, a skassassin! All jokes aside this thing is deadly.
Read MoreThe Skaven are one of those races that just seem to keep scurrying up from out of the floorboards and their vermin tide has no end in sight
Read MoreThe rat-men of Skaven are an interesting breed, they worship both the horned god and Nurgle! Whichever one pleases them at the time.
Read MoreThese rats are running for the end zone! Den of Imagination has done a fantastic job on this Skaven Blood Bowl team! Rat Ogre on the roster!
Read MoreThe Skaven create all sorts of mousy monstrosities, and most of them are scarier than anything that man could ever devise.
Read MoreImagine if you could for a minute if the Skaven had the ability to produce Dwarf technology. Yeah, I’ll believe that when rats can fly!
Read MoreThe Skaven have skittered there way onto the Shadespire seen and made a huge splash stealing all the glory for their own!
Read MoreThe foul lords of corruption bring disease and famine wherever they emerge from the shadows. Den of Imagination has a fabulous showcase of Skaven Verminlords.
Read MoreGames Workshop’s Shadespire has released two new expansions and does not seem to be slowing down anytime soon. This week we are going to focus on Spiteclaw’s Swarm, a fast moving bunch of rats that become inspired when you use a ploy on them.
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