GW Failed Bringing Slaanesh Back to 40k

By Rob Baer | October 3rd, 2018 | Categories: Slaanesh, Warhammer 40k News

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GW unveiled a brand new model coming to the armies of Slaanesh recently,  but was the delivery what you expected?  Take a look.

If you haven’t heard already an updated Fiend of Slaanesh model was revealed in a very strange way after it was leaked on subreddits from another part of the internet nearly 18 hours earlier.

Let’s break down what happened and show you how we think Slaanesh should have made an entrance.

GW Failed Bringing Slaanesh Back to 40k

Make sure you watch the video before to see what we are talking about.

subliminal 2 GW Failed Bringing Slaanesh Back to 40k

The video starts out like an old sex-ed instructional video from the 1960’s. Cringy acting and wordplay was (hopefully) totally intentional here.



subliminal 4

Throughout the entire video, there are random points that flash “SIX” (the number of Slaanesh) or a bunch of “X’s”. Obviously, we know Slaanesh is the God that usually makes other people the most uncomfortable.

If we’re being real here, he’s the scariest of them all.

subliminal 5

But finally, the Fiend shows up and look at what it’s wearing. It is BONDAGE CITY up on that model. It has four boobs and a leather harness to keep everything….” in place?”.

Bottom line, we think the delivery to this big news was a little “soft” and should have been more Slaaneshy.

Here’s How Slaanesh Should be Brought In



Slaanesh is the god of everything in excess. Loud music, fast beats, and edgy clothing are just a few things Slaanesh is all about.

noise marine slaanesh

There should’ve been wailing and a deafening drum solo in the background while the model was being revealed. and don’t forget more explosions and crazy warp drugs.  They could’ve totally gone that route if they wanted to and it would’ve fit perfectly. The subliminal messaging was kind of neat and spooky, but Slaanesh is the god of PUTTING IT ALL IN YOUR FACE “pun intended”.

Does this mean Furlgrim is next?

Who is your favorite Chaos god? Do you think GW missed the mark on bringing Slaanesh into the spotlight?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group.