3 BIG Rules We Missed In New Codex Space Marines?

lotd legion of the damned

Come see the three HUGE rules you may have overlooked in the new Codex Space Marines.

The Space Marine codex has barley been out two weeks, and already were looking ahead to the new release (Dark Angels).  But before we all head off to chase that new shiny thing here’s a few rules to be aware of from the new Space Marine codex.

3) – Forge World Astartes. As of right now it appears all of the updates for the Space Marines presented in the Badab War Series of books are legal and will work with the newest version of the codex Space Marines (they are however in some cases not updated fully to 7th Edition terminology so be careful here folks).

Some of the highlights (besides Severin Loth’s awesome psychic abilities) are: a way to get 6 squads of Devastators, T5 Devastators for Iron hands (and thusly 6+FNP) and everyone’s favorite Astral Claw, Huron Blackheart before he went rogue.

You can checkout the full character downloads here. Also don’t forget to consult the Badab War chapter tactics rules as well so you know what some of these chapter’s special rules are as well!

(also don’t forget too that Sentinels of Terra, and Clan Raukaan are both legal for use with the new Space Marine Codex as well!)


2) – Chapter Tactics Conflicts & Combat Doctrines. It seems to be a common mistake lately to overlook the new rule for chapter tactics that removes the all trait benefits from models there are multiple chapters’ traits present in the same squad (P.189 2015 SM Codex).

Combat Doctrines inherently are not given to non Ultramaine chapters unless they gain the ability to use them though a formation or special rule (such as the Battle Demi-Company or the Gladius Strike Force). Also be sure to note what models specifically are eligible to use said benefits from the doctrines use as it can vary greatly.

legion of the damned codex cover

1) Legion of the Damned The LoTD made a big splash recently as a great way to take down vehicles that had a cover save (like the nefarious wave serpent).  However, one of the favorite ways to accomplish this was by the use of Grav weaponry, which for the most part they no longer have access to.

The Space Marine Wargear list on page 115 contains a foot note (1) that restricts every grav weapon from the LoTD besides a combi-grav on the sergeant. This seems to line up with pg 34 of the current iBooks version for the LoTD Supplement as well.


All right that’s all we got in this installment of rules not to miss. Hopefully this helps everyone out when it comes to new Space Marine army list building If you got another great ‘gotcha’ rule that we have covered so far over the last few weeks, please drop it in the comments below.

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Next up, the First Legion Cometh!