This is the massive Black Library/Forge World event all about the Horus Heresy. Authors, model makers and everyone involved in the crafting of the books, models and history of the Heresy are here.
To read the full pantheon of articles I have written on this event, go to Apocalypse40K. But here are the highlights that any Horus Heresy fan needs to know.
The Legion Kharybdis Assault Claw. It arrives like Drop Pod but can fly after it lands. It is heavily armed and has a new weapon called a Vortex Melta.
The Mechanicum castellax battle-automata of the LegioCybernetica. Unique armaments. Mauler pattern bolt cannon. Just shy of Contemptor Dreadnought strength-wise
Covers the Drop Site Massacre, Istvaan V
Iron Hands.
Word Bearers
Night Lords
Raven Guard
Iron Warriors
Alpha Legion
Imperial Fists
The next trilogy of books is:
Signus Prime
Thousand Sons
Space Wolves
Legio Custodes
Sisters of Silence
Blood Angels