40k Anti-Horde Combos: Crimson Fists Mop Up Orks

By Wesley Floyd | February 6th, 2019 | Categories: Space Marines, Tactics, Warhammer 40k News

marines wal hor crimson

Crimson Fists are the sons of Dorn and specialize in killing hordes of units. Let’s take a look at the best combinations for them now on the tabletop.

Taking a closer look at the Crimson Fists, we’ll be using Vigilus and the Adeptus Astartes supplement from White Dwarf.  Check out some combos that could spell out certain death for enemy characters and more.

Crimson Fists & the Liberator Strike Force

crimson fists marine hor wal

There are a few things that we need to do to make the Crimson Fists work like a well-oiled machine against hordes (more specifically Orks). Orks have a tendency to get out of control and claim huge areas of the map just by sheer model count.

So how can the Crimson Fists deal with this? We’re going to use the updated Crimson Fists supplement from the White Dwarf in combination with the Liberator Strike Force formation for Vigilus.

Taking on Orks

Ork Feature wal hor

First off, we’ll be using the Chapter Tactic called No Matter the Odds. -This is a part of the updated rules from White Dwarf.

  • No Matter the Odds: Crimson Fists characters add 1 to their hit rolls when targeting an enemy unit with more models in their unit.

Next, we’ll need to use the Stratagem called A Hated Foe. 

  • A Hated Foe: Target Unit rerolls all wounds against Ork units.

Crimson Fists

Crimson Fists are one of the rare Space Marine Chapters where it actually might be beneficial to max out a squad of Tactical Marines or even Primaris Intercessors. A squad of ten Marines hitting a blob of Ork Boyz on a 2+ isn’t bad. Especially when you pop the 1CP stratagem to reroll all failed wound rolls against an Ork unit. Luckily for Space Marines, Orks aren’t known for their armor saves so they should drop like flies.

primaris ultras

If you’ve still got some Angry Green Boyz coming at you, make sure you throw in a formation of Indomitus Crusaders.  Give your Intercessors the assault 2 weapons.

Pop the 1Cp Stratagem called Bolt Storm to have all of your shots auto-hit. That’ll be twenty-auto hitting shots pelting the Orks directly. You also have the option of using A Hated Foe on to reroll all failed wounds.

Sniping Out Characters

Crimson Fists

If there’s a character giving you problems (Ork or not), you can always bring a squad of Primaris Intercessors with the Stalker bolt Rifles. (Just make sure you pay the CP to make them a part of the Indomitus Crusaders).

target sighted

The Stalker Bolt Rifle is naturally a -2 AP. The Crimson Fists can pop a Stratagem called Slay the Tyrant to give +1 to hit. You’ll be able to hit a character on a 2+ with an entire squad of Intercessors at -2 AP even if it’s not the closest unit.  Don’t forget wound rolls of a 6+ cause a mortal wound as well. That could completely shut down Da Jump for an Ork player if you manage to pick off a Psyker.

Space Marines might have been the pushovers for most of 8th edition. However, it looks like they’re more than equipped to hold their own against armies that might take people by surprise. What do you think about the Crimson Fists and their ability to deal with Hordes? Do you take a Formation with them when you play? Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group. 

About the Author: Wesley Floyd

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Wesley Floyd

Job Title: Staff Writer

Joined: 2018

Socials: @RealmbrushPainting

About Wesley Floyd: Wes has been in the Warhammer hobby since 2015 and joined the Spikey Bits writing team in 2018. He is known for his satirist takes on trending topics and imaginative yet amazingly affordable hobby solutions to painting Warhammer miniatures.

Imperial fanboy, tabletop fanatic, and the self-proclaimed King of Sprues. He knows for a fact that Mephiston red is the best-tasting paint and is the commission painting equivalent of a Wendy’s 4 for $4.  If you like what he writes and want to contact him or have your tabletop minatures painted (to a mostly okayish standard), message him on Instagram.