40k Deep Thought – What’s Going On With Marines?

By Rob Baer | May 31st, 2015 | Categories: Editorials, Space Marines, Warhammer 40k Rumors


Everyone seems to be clamoring to know what’s going on with the new Space Marines. Will we see the chapters ‘standarized’ in to one book?

Spikey Bits reader Matt Buchanan sent in this clearly well though out theory on what may be going on with the new Space Marine codex.

Get our your salt shakers, this is rated 100% pure speculation!

So.. the guys over at tablednoob and I have this crazy cat lady conspiracy Theory concerning the new marine book…

Firstly.. note: everything I spout here is pure conjecture and rumor. I have no facts or evidence to support anything, just happenstance and observation.

So, Down the rabbit hole we go. I think, that all of the marine chapters (vanilla and snowflake) will get rolled into a single codex. Codex: Adeptus Astarts. Will include all of the unique units from Blood Angels, Dark Angels and Space Wolves. (Grey Knights also, but that may be reaching)

BOOOOOM I think i may have broken the 40K fanbase lol, calm yourself, and hear my reasoning out, in the words of Sam Jackson from Jurassic Park, “Hold on to ya butts.”

Why I think that this will happen:
1. Rumor: The base marine book will cost 100 bucks.
yes, GW is infamous for price hiking, but this is extreme, even by their standards. (Editor’s note White Dwarf leaks show it as € 48 which may be more like $50 USD)

2. Rumor: Major changes to things all the chapters share.
As Joe said. Terminator Armor granting +1T and +1W, Vehicle units becoming squadrons, Entries for units with multiple alliances (Command Rhino and Land raider available for BA, SW, and DA but the entry for this is only in the C:SM book?). If all the chapters were wrapped into one book, Major universal changes like the ones mentioned above, would be seamless and fluid and bring all the books into compliance at the same time.

3.It would stimulate model revenue.
Lets face it, whats the one thing that people dread throwing money at when you want to start an allied force. Buying another book. This is single handedly why i haven’t started a Dark Angels collection. if you have all the entries and information for every SM unit in the game in one book. it would encourage people to buy models, thus the revenue lost from selling other books would be offset by the increase in model sales. Not to mention, the cost of manufacturing/stocking the other books would be cut.

4. Look at the website, and how the have the snowflake chapters are displayed and organized.
if you look under Blood Angels for example, All you see are the models/Units that are unique to them. there is no entry here for Land raider, Predator, Vindicator, things all the chapters share. is it reaching that maybe the book would be laid out the same way? would cut down on entries, and keep the things that make that chapter special just that.

5. It would Normalize all the equipment/unit contradictions.
Ever pissed you off that you play DA but can’t take a Stormraven? Spacewolves mad because they don’t get in on this sweet grav action? Blood Angel players upset because as a chapter that is famous for aerial warfare, have no access to Stormtalons? all of these issues would be resolved in a single stroke. it doesn’t make any sense that certain equipment options are exclusive to vanilla marines and not listed in other chapters. Why have different rules for different chapters on equipment (Dark Angel Land Raiders with dozer blades, Blood Angel tacticals with Heavy Flamers, ect)

Copy of space marine

6. Snowflake chapters would retain their special rules.
its as easy as saying “requires chapter tactics: X in the detachment in order to unlock” for units like Death Company, Long Fangs, Deathwing Knights, it would be a way to retain the uniqueness while also complying with book as a whole.

7. GW doesn’t care how old a book is to replace it.
Look at Imperial Knights.. the book was less than a year old and out comes a new one with new rules to sell their new models! same thing with Khorne Deamonkin, that whole book was a campaign to sell the new Blood Thrister. people scream about they are a rules company, not a model company, but in my opinion, that couldn’t be further from the truth. The rules merely facilitate model sales.

This might be merely me over analyzing it, and just being a little crazy (insert eye twitch), But after you look at it and start thinking about. it starts making a weird kind of sense. try to look past your Knee jerk reaction and think about it.

I gotta admit I can see the ‘GW Logic’ in some of these points, what do you think we’ll see from the new Space Marine codex?

heckout the new codex pics, and Wave 2 releases below!

Space Marine Rumor Roundup