Army Lists- Ard Boyz 2011 Grey Knights Draigo’s Punch

Well believe it or not ‘Ard Boyz prelims are almost here, and all the boys and girls are getting ready for battle!  The thing I’ve come to love about this event, is the complete shift in meta away from any standard tournament circuit type series.

At ‘Ard Boyz you’ll see the most random lists in addition to a wide spectrum of player skill levels. It can almost be compared to playing competitive poker in Vegas, and then going to a house game where someone has the worst hand ever, and wins a huge pot.  You just never really know what you will see, there could be three games of rocks for your scissors. It’s both frustrating and rewarding at the same time, deeeelish!

Anywhoo, what I really wanted to do here was talk about one of the Grey Knight builds I’ve been playtesting, and how it works and why.  So lets get to it.

Draigo’s Punch!  ~2500 Points

  • Draigo
  • Librarian- Might, Sanctuary, Warp Rift, Shrouding, Stave
  • Paladins x4- Halberd, Hammer, Sword, Apothecary- Stave
  • Paladins x4- Halberd, Hammer, Sword, Apothecary- Stave
  • Strike Squad x5- Psycannon, Hammer Razorback TL Assault Cannon- Psybolts
  • Strike Squad x5- Psycannon, Hammer Razorback TL Assault Cannon- Psybolts
  • Dreadknight- Jump Pack, Sword
  • Dreadnought- TL Autocannon x2, Psybolts
  • Dreadnought- TL Autocannon x2, Psybolts
  • Stormraven- Extra Armor, TL Las, TL Multi-Melta
  • Stormraven- Extra Armor, TL Las, TL Multi-Melta

So while this may not just jump right out at you as good, or even competitive give it a minute.  At first glance there are two scoring units, but remember Draigo makes the Paladins scoring too- so now your are up to four.  Here is the kicker though, Draigo has the ability to make D3 non vehicle units scoring too. Now you have the potential to make a Dreadknight scoring as well. OUCH.

Best part is, that if it isn’t a scoring game, you can give them, a strike squad, or even pallies the ability to outflank. It’s also good for things like getting the traitor into your enemies deployment zone on Mission One (note that works because it’s a blanket affect on the unit after you add the traitor to it- much like how Snikrot can do it to Kommandos with an Independent Character attached).

Deployment is easy you just put the two paladin units in the Stormravens, the Strike squads in the Razorbacks, and the Dreadnoughts in the back providing covering fire. Try to keep most of your units within the Librarian’s radius so they can be shrouded if need be.  You really don’t need the strike squads on the board unless you feel you need the firepower to drop transports etc for your Paladins to assault the contents (remember you can use draigo to get +1/-1 to your reserve roll as well).

Move the Ravens up the gut flat out to close and combo charge as much as possible, hopefully delivering the deathblow to your opponent early.  You can shunt the Dreadknights up as well, to get shrouding and set them up for the charge the following turn.

The key to this one/two punch tactic is to keep the Stormravens near area terrain so IF they do get destroyed you can bail out into 4+ cover.  Don’t forget to take the first incoming Instant Kill shot on Draigo- he has the only Storm Shield in the Grey Knight arsenal after all.

Of course all that is well and fine, if you go first. If you don’t, well now you need to look what you are facing.  If it’s a static gunline I would consider keeping one or more Stormravens in reserve. You really  just need one to come on, and really the more turns it stays off the better, as less shots are being fired at it.  I would set up the other units and slowly either advance to the objectives, or the enemy line.  Mix in a couple of out-flanking units to keep the enemy on their toes, so when the Stormravens do come screaming on there is maximum disruption to their lines.

It takes some practice but once you remember to watch for area terrain, learn what to keep on and off the table and when, and how to maximize Draigo’s Chapter Tactics-esqe roll  you will really enjoy playing this list.

There are a few more advanced tactics for this build but that’s for another time. For now enjoy the list, and let me know what you think of Draigo’s one two punch. -MBG

Obligatory shameless plug time: Not only do I have lots to say about the Grey Knights, I also sell their Bits as well (for 20% OFF even)! Check it out here on Spikey Bits’ Online Store!