Battle Report- MBG Vs. Ben Mohile New SM Codex

By Rob Baer | September 16th, 2013 | Categories: Battle Reports, Eldar, Space Marines, Tau, Videos, Warhammer 40k News

On the night of the New Space Marine release the stars aligned and brought renowned player Ben Mohile into FTW Games to play a game with the new codex.

The battle that ensued was neither fast nor glamorous, but a knock down dragged out affair that lasted seven turns.
It was a good playtest for Ben (left) who immediately borrowed elements of my army to play another game that night.  It will be interesting to see the build he brings back to practice with this week.
For me, it was a wake up call to what the New Space Marine book is capable of just bare bones when fielded in a synergistic format.
Since I forgot to introduce our lists on the video, I tried to recall what we had below.  If you’re trying to emulate something, make sure to check the video first, as I may be slightly off on the exact list builds.  
Ben Mohile- Space Marines 
Pedro Kantor
10 Stenguard Combi Melta, Rhino
10 Stenguard Combi Melta, Rhino
10 Stenguard Combi Melta, Rhino
Venerable Dreadnought, Drop Pod
Land Raider, MM
Thunderfire Cannon
Land Speeder Typhoon
5 Scouts
5 Scouts
Rob Baer- Taudar
Tau Commander- Muli Specturm Sensor, CnC node, Engram Chip
Broadside x2 High Yield Missiles, 4x Missile Drones, Split fire
Firewarriors x6
Riptide, Ion Accelerator, Fusion Blaster, Interceptor, Skyfire
Farseer, Spear, Spirt Stone, Jetbike, Runes of Warding
Dire Avengers x5 Wave Serpent ML, Shuriken 
Dire Avengers x5 Wave Serpent ML, Shuriken 
Dark Reapers x5,-Missile Upgrade  Exarch, Night Vision, Crackshot Wave Serpent ML, Shuriken 
Warp Spiders x5
Warp Spiders x5
Jetbikes x3
Jetbikes x3
Also please leave any constructive comments about the way I shot the video. I’d like to do more of these, so I want to make sure YOU all want/ like them! -MBG