Battle Report- MBG Vs. Darkwynn New SM Codex

By Rob Baer | September 25th, 2013 | Categories: Battle Reports, Eldar, Space Marines, Tau, Videos

On a cool Virginia evening, 40k gunslinger Nick Rose rolled into town from Texas looking for a scrapping.

The battle that ensued was over relatively fast, as once you get to a certain point with these armies the end result can be forecast with a bit of certainty.
It was of course a good playtest for Nick (below) who is already rethinking the list, and perhaps his turn strategy as well.

For me, it was a painful refresher lesson on how deadly the centurions really are once in range. It also reinforced the tenet of correct magnitude and application (direction) of force that can go a long way to slaying “fearsome” units on the tabletop.
This time I did introduce our lists on video, but I’ve also tried to collect them below for you as well. These are pretty much proxy armies so it’s not a whole lot to look at yet, but hopefully soon my Taudar will be 100% complete and Nick will have some shiny yellow Space Marines!
Nick Rose- Space Marines (Imperial Fists)
Chapter Master, Bike, Shield Indominus, Burning Blade
10 Marines Heavy Bolter, Rhino
10 Marines Heavy Bolter, Rhino
Devastators, 4 Lascannons
Devastators 4 Missle Launchers, Flakk
7 or 8 Bikes 2 Grav Guns
Aegis Defense Line, Quad Gun
Dark Angels Allies
Librarian, Power Field Generator
5 Sniper Scouts
5 Sniper Scouts

Rob Baer- Taudar
Tau Commander- Muli Specturm Sensor, CnC node, Engram Chip
Broadside x2 High Yield Missiles, 4x Missile Drones, Split fire
Kroot x10
Kroot x10
Riptide, Ion Accelerator, Fusion Blaster, Interceptor, Skyfire
Farseer, Spear, Spirit Stone, Jetbike, Runes of Warding
Dire Avengers x5 Wave Serpent ML 
Dire Avengers x5 Wave Serpent ML
Dark Reapers x5,-Missile Upgrade  Exarch, Night Vision, Crackshot Wave Serpent ML
Warp Spiders x5
Warp Spiders x5
Jetbikes x3
Jetbikes x3
Hope you liked this video batrep! Be sure to checkout our other battle reports as well. -MBG